To change the size of the dimension tolerance text, clear Use dimension size and select either: Font scale Enter a number from 0 to 10.0 to scale the font. Font height Enter a value to specify the font height. Show parentheses Select for parentheses around the tolerances for Bilateral, Sym...
尺寸公差對話方塊 尺寸公差對話方塊可控制尺寸公差值和非整數尺寸之顯示。 可用的選項是根據所選的公差類型,及您是否為所選的尺寸設定文件選項或套用特別的指示。會有一視窗讓您預覽尺寸及公差。 開啟尺寸公差對話方塊︰ 单击工具>選項>文件屬性>尺寸中的公差。
To change the size of the dimension tolerance text, clear Use dimension font and select either: Font scale Enter a number from 0 to 10.0 to scale the font. Font height Enter a value to specify the font height. Show parentheses Select for parentheses around the tolerances for Bilateral,...
Per usare il dimensionamento automatico dei componenti Toolbox: trascinare un componente Toolbox che supporta il dimensionamento automatico in un assieme. I seguenti componenti Toolbox supportano il dimensionamento automatico: Bulloni e viti Dadi Anelli di tenuta Perni Rosette Cuscinetti O-Rings...
SOLIDWORKS Utilities 焊件和结构系统 安装与管理 疑难解答 法律声明修改尺寸您可以在修改对话框中改变零件、草图、装配体或工程图中的尺寸。要更改尺寸: 双击一个尺寸。 此时将显示修改对话框。 使用箭头、指轮、鼠标滚轮或在尺寸方框中键入数值来更改尺寸值。 当数值受限制时,例如角度必须大于 0 且小于 90 度,修改...
If you have set the Over defining dimensions Sketch option to Prompt to set driven state, this dialog box appears when you add an over defining dimension to a sketch. Either click Cancel to abandon the operation (the dimension is not placed), or select one of the following options, then ...
SOLIDWORKS File Utilities DFMXpress DriveWorksXpress FloXpress Импортиэкспорт Использование 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace | Make Использование 3D EXPERIENCE Marketplace | PartSupply SOLIDWORKS MBD Отображениемодели Проект...
SOLIDWORKS Utilities Sistema struttura e saldature Amministrazione Diagnostica Note legaliModifica quotaÈ possibile cambiare le quote in una parte, schizzo, assieme o disegno nella finestra di dialogo Modifica.Come cambiare una quota: Fare doppio clic su una quota. Si visualizza la finestra di...
To change the size of the dimension tolerance text, clear Use dimension size and select either: Font scale Enter a number from 0 to 10.0 to scale the font. Font height Enter a value to specify the font height. Show parentheses Select for parentheses around the tolerances for Bilateral, Sym...
公差與精度 尺寸公差及精度範例 在SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base 中搜尋「尺寸公差對話方塊」。0.20.62使用條款 | 隱私權政策 | 個人化 Cookie 選擇 | 取得產品展示 | 聯絡銷售人員 | 取得報價 © 1995-2024 Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved.