您可以使用自動標註尺寸工具將參考尺寸插入工程視圖作為基準尺寸、連續尺寸及座標尺寸。自動標註工具在草圖中也是類似的操作。 下方顯示一基準尺寸的配置:
such as overlapping lines, doubles, multiple contours, and gaps. This is useful for sketches that were accidentally flawed, have converted entities, or stem from an imported vector drawing. In most cases, sketch trim tools such as thePower ...
To add a reference dimension:Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar) or click Tools, Dimensions, Smart. In a drawing view, click the items you want to dimension. You can dimension to a silhouette edge. Point to the silhouette edge, and when the pointer appears, click to ...
dockpoint停放点 document文档 draft拔模 drawing工程图 drawingsheet工程图图纸 drivendimension从动尺寸 drivingdimension驱动尺寸 DynamicClearanee动向空隙 add,edit,ordeleteitems.WhenPhotoView360isaddedin,theDisplayManageralsoprovidesaccesstoPhotoViewoptions. Apointonanannotation,shownbyadashedredsquare, whereyoucan...
Elsewhere, other updates to the sustainability tools, large assembly handing capabilities, through to the drawing functions, all add to an already all-encompassing system. The transition of features from 3DVia Composer is also a trend that’s encouraging to see — one of cross-pollination between ...
modelitem模型项目Acharacteristicordimensionoffeaturegeometrythatcanbeusedindetailingdrawings.可在出详图中使用的特征几何体特性或尺寸。 modelview模型视图Adrawingviewofapartorassembly.零件或装配体的工程图视图。mold模具Asetofmanufacturingtoolingusedtoshapemoltenplasticorothermaterialintoadesignedpart.Youdesignthemold...
Detail item snapping when dragging corner/center - when dragging a note or dimension, the corner/center will infer the corner/center of other notes or dimensions. An aid for quick alignment. Print out-of-sync water mark in RapidDraft - when a RapidDraft drawing is not up to date, a ...
Drawings R E P R O D U C I B L E L e s s o n 2 : B a s i c F u n c t i o n a l i t y S o l i d W o r k s T e a c h e r G u i d e a n d S t u d e n t C o u r s e w a r e 5 3 PartPart Assembly DrawingDrawing L e s s...
Another way to fully define sketches on the drawing is to box select around all the sketch entities and select "Fix" from the relations menu. I have not had any problems using this method. Best Regards, Jon Challenges are what makes life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meani...
If it's on the drawing it's an inspectable item. I believe if the machinist can not or do not want to figure it out...then it should be done for them on a process sheet by a manufacturing engineer or process engineer. If I did that in my shop I would be hung from the rafters...