SI Hang,GARTNER K,FUHRMANN J.Boundary conformingDelaunay mesh generation. Computational Mathematics andMathematical Physics . 2010Si H, Gartner K, Fuhrmann J. Boundary conforming Delaunay mesh generation [J]. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2010, 50(1) : 38-53....
Delaunay triangulation: Performing Delaunay triangulation [1] over the nodes of the previous mesh. 3. Boundary recognition: Identifying the actual boundaries using the Alpha-Shape method [2]. For more in-depth information about the PFEM remeshing algorithm, refer to [53]. The same remeshing algo...
A novel method for boundary constrained tetrahedral mesh generation is proposed based on Advancing Front Technique(AFT)and conforming Delaunay triangulation.Given a triangulated surface mesh,AFT is firstly applied to mesh several layers of elements adjacent to the boundary.The rest of the domain is ...
The generation of offsetting layers stops when the front intersects itself. The remaining polygon is triangulated. As a final step the mesh is converted to a Delaunay conforming mesh by swapping edges and inserting points. The implementation in two dimensions has been tested successfully using ...
Mesh generationBoundary recoveryDelaunay triangulationIntersectionA new algorithm is proposed to recast Boolean operChenNanyangJianjunNanyangXiaoNanyangZhoufangNanyangWangNanyangDeshengNanyangZhengNanyangYaoNanyangJianjingNanyangComputers & graphicsXiao, Z., Chen, J., Zheng, Y., Zheng, J., and Wang, D., ...
Delaunay triangulationBoundary recoveryMesh generationWe present an efficient boundary recovery method for conforming Delaunay triangulation of three dimensional domains. Our method combines local transformations like edges/faces swappings and modified constrained Delaunay refinement like edges/faces splittings to...
We describe how to eliminate the boundary-matching constraint by adapting recent embedded boundary techniques to tetrahedra, so that neither air nor solid boundaries need to align with mesh geometry. This enables the use of high quality, arbitrarily graded, non-conforming Delaunay meshes, which are ...