Keywords:constraineddomain;De aunaytetrahedron;meshgeneration;boundaryconformance GuanWen'geDoctora candidate;Schoo ofResource&Security,ChinaUniversityofMiningandTechno ogy, Beijing100083,China. 目前,四面体网格生成技术广泛用于地质领 域、有限元分析及科学计算可视化等许多领域.该 ...
tl**倾城 上传415KB 文件格式 pdf linux 第4章 常用使用技巧 4.1 Linux下软件包的安装及卸载 在Linux操作系统下 几乎所有的软件均通过 RPM进行安装 卸载及管理等 操作RPM的全称为 Redhat Package Manager 是由 Redhat 公司提出的 用于管理 Linux下软件包的软件 Linux安装时 除了几个核心模块以外 其 余几乎...
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利用delaunay三角剖分实现空间散乱数据点三维重构的区域增长算法.pdf,利用Delaunay 三角剖分实现空间散乱数据 点三维重构的区域增长算法 苏延超(2006310435) 杨欣(2006310441) 姚邦鹏(2006210773) 1. 引言 三角剖分是计算几何的研究重点之一。平面点集的三角剖分问题,是指
George Paul Louis,Seveno Eri c.The advancing—front mesh generation method revisited[ J ] ,Intern ational Journal for Numeri cal Methods in E ngineeri ng ,19 94 ,37 :3605 — 36 19 . [ 2 ] Frey Willian H.Selective refi nement :a new strategy for automatic node placement in graded ...
关键词:虚拟手术仿真系统;医学体数据;器官实体模型;Delaunay;局部特征尺寸;收敛性 中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:100l一3695(2011)0s·3166—05 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001.3695.2011.08.102 Localfeaturesizebased tetrahedralmesh Delaunay from volumedata medical generation 1 ZHOUYun 1,FAN Zhi.fang1...
Abstract.Delaunay Triangulation is the core algorithm for mesh generation. By Delaunay Triangulator you can make a general method to visualize geometry surfaces, so does OpenCascade. The paper focus on the geometry surfaces visualization, include the surfaces with holes. ...
好的三角剖分一般满足下面4个要求(摘自Delaunay Mesh Generation) First, large angles (near 180◦ ) can cause large interpolation errors. In the finite element method, these errors induce a large discretization error—the difference between the computed approximation and the true solution of the PDE...
In this chapter, the generation of triangle meshes from points is illustrated via the Delaunay triangulation. Apart from Delaunay triangulation being the most common triangulation method, the aim is also to give an overview of the typical issues of point
Shewchuk. Triangle is a small C program and its Delaunay refinement algorithm for quality mesh generation is a hybrid one. It includes divide-and-conquer and incremental insertion algorithms and sweepline Delaunay triangulation algorithm. This paper is focused on the usage of the Triangle and ...