“仿制药的真相”这个题目不如原题“Bottle of Lies ”来得直观和有冲击力。作为一个长期服用标有“通过仿制药一致性评价”的瑞舒伐他钙的家族性高血脂症患者,我感到relevance非常高。这本书回答了为什么仿制药这个本该成为民众救星的品类会成为危险,谎言如何产生、繁殖并自成体系同时屡屡战胜来自外部监管的攻击,incl...
强烈推荐,每个人都应该读一读这本书。 这本书的英文名是Bottle of lies,台版翻译成“谎言之瓶”,但按照书里的意思应该是“充满谎言的药瓶”,如果刺激一点,用网友的话说就是“印度没有药神”。 书里主要讲印度的仿制药行业,他们是如何通过系统性的造假和撒谎,来通过FDA的... (展开) ...
所属专辑:Bottle of Lies 声音简介 关注wx公号众:我爱英文有声书 回复:“喜马拉雅”可以下载电子书 The widespread use of generic drugs has been hailed as one of the most important public-health developments of the 20th century. Today, almost 90 percent of our pharmaceutical market is comprised of...
欢迎收听由主播我爱英文有声书创作的【Bottle of Lies】,目前已更新1个节目,最新音频章节“Bottle of Lies(仿制药的真相) by Katherine Eban”。有声读物推荐,高清全集在线收听,小说完整版打包下载。
PS: 先给大伙儿道个歉,拖了太久才整理成文的一篇小结。整理过程中再一次强烈地感受了友邻们思维碰撞的火花,惊叹于有才的小伙伴们从薄薄一本书里发散出如此多宝贵的观点,逻辑缜密且针针见血。提纯总结的过程是又一次细细咀嚼的过程,实在是再幸运不过! 若有遗漏或发散出其它感想,欢迎大家在讨论区指正和补充!
Bottle of Lies is Katherine Eban’s masterwork of global investigative reporting.” (James Risen, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of Pay Any Price and State of War) “A shocking exposé of corporate greed, arrogance, and eagerness to exploit the weak for profit...Bottle of Lies is an impor...
> 进口原版 Bottle of Lies 仿制药的真相 谎言之瓶 英文版 英语原版书籍诚研进口原版专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 5.0 高 物流履约: 3.9 中 售后服务: 4.5 高 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 进口原版 Bottle of Lies 仿制药的真相 谎言之瓶 英文版 英语原版书籍 Eban...
读完了新年的第一本书, Bottle of lies,讲的是仿制药(generic drugs)业界的种种黑暗面,尤其聚焦了印度曾经的制药巨头,Ranbaxy公司。在巨大利润的驱动下,造假的数据、以次充好的原料和FDA臃肿官僚体制下对海外药厂的松散监管。靠着两个不屈不挠的吹哨人Dinesh Thakur和Rajinder Kumar的揭发,才打开了冰川下的一角...
“This book will save lives...What Rachel Carson did for our understanding of the perils facing the environment Katherine Eban has now done for our understanding of the threats to our health from the Drugs we take every day. Bottle of Lies is Katherine Eban’s masterwork of global investigati...
Bottle of Lies 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 In 2004, Dinesh Thakur, a senior employee of Ranbaxy, then India’s largest pharma company, discovered a terrible secret.Ranbaxy had been fabricating the test results of their drugs,endangering millions of patients. Thakur resigned and became a...