Bottle of Lies 作者:Katherine Eban 出版社:Juggernaut 副标题:Ranbaxy and the Dark Side of Indian Pharma 出版年:2019-7-10 页数:512 定价:INR 699.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9789353450441 豆瓣评分 8.5 16人评价 5星 56.3% 4星 25.0% 3星 12.5%
Katherine Eban的研究非常详细,明确而无可辩驳地揭示了跨国仿制药制造商普遍存在的犯罪行为。 拥有数十年历史、屡获殊荣的大型公司 Ranbaxy Laboratory Ltd 是“印度制药业皇冠上的一颗明珠”。通过 Eban 的案例呈现,Ranbaxy的声誉已被撕成碎片, 该公司自 2014 年起不复存在。Eban 花了十年时间进行研究的目的不是要...
读完了新年的第一本书, Bottle of lies,讲的是仿制药(generic drugs)业界的种种黑暗面,尤其聚焦了印度曾经的制药巨头,Ranbaxy公司。在巨大利润的驱动下,造假的数据、以次充好的原料和FDA臃肿官僚体制下对海外药厂的松散监管。靠着两个不屈不挠的吹哨人Dinesh Thakur和Rajinder Kumar的揭发,才打开了冰川下的一角...
“The headmaster did not want to see a teacher challenged by an eighth-grader,” Thakur realized afterward. The school’s value system, and that of the culture at large, prioritized deference to authority above simple fairness… Thakur knew that others had detected fraud at Ranbaxy, but he ...
Bottle of Lies 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 In 2004, Dinesh Thakur, a senior employee of Ranbaxy, then India’s largest pharma company, discovered a terrible secret.Ranbaxy had been fabricating the test results of their drugs,endangering millions of patients. Thakur resigned and became a...
Bottle of Lies 作者:Katherine Eban 出版社:Ecco 副标题:The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom 出版年:2019-5-14 页数:512 定价:$28.99 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780062338785 豆瓣评分 8.7 187人评价 5星 48.1% 4星 45.5% 3星 4.8% 2星 1.6%...