The meaning of BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE is a state of matter that occurs when a set of atoms is cooled almost to absolute zero in which a statistical description of the positions of the atoms implies that they physically overlap each other and in effect
Bose–Einstein condensate A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter formed by a system of bosons confined in an external potential and cooled to
These examples demonstrate the broad range of topics, which are covered by research on quantum-degenerate gases: superfluidity, boson and fermion mixtures, and atom optics. For further reading and references, we refer to the original publications and to a recent overview article [1]....
Pushing a system out of equilibrium may favor the condensation of unconserved quasiparticles, but suppresses the condensate fraction of conserved particles.doi:10.1134/S1054660X12070171YukalovV. I.SP MAIK Nauka/InterperiodicaLaser PhysicsYukalov, V.I.: Difference in Bose-Einstein condensation of ...
The meaning of BOSE-EINSTEIN STATISTICS is quantum-mechanical statistics according to which subatomic particles of a given class (such as photons and pi-mesons) have a quantum-mechanical symmetry that in cases of thermal equilibrium tends to cause an acc
Here we demonstrate deterministic formation of domain walls in a stable Bose–Einstein condensate with a gauge field that is determined by the atomic density. The density-dependent gauge field is created by simultaneous modulations of an optical lattice potential and interatomic interactions, and ...
Bose–Einstein condensate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚-维基百科,自由百科全书.pdf,3/15/12 Bose–Einstein condensate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bose–Einstein condensate From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Bose–Einstein
Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) is a special many-boson phenomenon that was observed in atomic particles at ultra-low temperatures. Later, BEC was also shown for non-atomic bosons, such as photons. Those experiments were usually done in micron-size cavities, where the power (particle number)...
The fact that all the particles are in the ground state is not very surprising because at zero temperature no interaction exists, the kinetic energy is zero. What is amazing is the phase transition that suddenly appears in the Bose-Einstein condensate. ...
Examples Sorry, no example sentences found. Related Words Log inorsign upto add your own related words. Lists These user-created lists contain the word 'bose-einstein condensate': A Mint of Phrases in My Brain Phrases/figures of speech I've always liked, and new ones that have caught my ...