QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds are the ultimate wireless noise cancelling earbud experience. Bose Immersive Audio pushes the boundary of what it means to listen by taking what you’re hearing out of your head and placing it in front of you. It sounds so real it’s almost like you could reach ...
Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds Features: A premium addition to Bose’s QuietComfort earbud family CustomTune technology analyses your ear shape to sculpt a sound that’s right for you Revolutionary noise cancellation with Quiet, Aware, and Immersion modes filters surrounding noise for a distraction-fr...
QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds are the ultimate earbud experience. Breakthrough spatialised audio for more immersive listening that makes your music feel realer than ever before – no matter the content or source. Bose Immersive Audio takes what ...
Achetez en toute sécurité et utilisez le mode de paiement qui vous convient. Produits similaires 29,95 € 24,95 € 14,99 € Nomad AirPods Pro Case 39,95 € Détails du produit Le prix le plus bas pourBose Earbud Case for QuietComfort Earbuds II/Ultraest de59,95 €. C'est...
Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds Get 10% off your first purchase* Three steps to saving: Sign up by entering your email address below Follow the steps to create a My Bose account Receive the email with your 10% coupon code within 30 minutes ...
例如,Bose QuietComfort Ultra系列耳机就配备了智能音场调校技术,能够自动匹配并实现三频动态均衡。4. **稳定连接**:Bose耳机在蓝牙连接的稳定性方面也表现出色,能够确保音质在传输过程中不受干扰,让用户在使用过程中无需担心断连或音质下降的问题。下面推荐三款Bose耳机1. Bose QuietComfort Earbud IIBose ...
如果你是对音质有高要求的音乐爱好者,可以选择Bose QuietComfort Earbud II,它拥有先进的降噪技术和智能音场调校技术,让你享受更加真实、清晰的音乐。如果你追求极致体验,可以尝试Bose QuietComfort Ultra,它是BOSE品牌的高端产品,具备了一流的音质和强大的主动降噪功能。而Bose QuietComfort ll同样具备了出色的主动...
Human ear canals aren’t perfect circles; they’re more ovoid., just like the Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds’ nozzles. The charging case of the Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds features a multifunction button, USB-C charging port, and earbud charging recesses inside. On the front and the ins...
创作立场声明:我在本文中评测的Quietcomfort Earbud消噪耳塞,来自bose品牌送测。体验之后感受颇多,第一时间发出来和大家分享,欢迎理性观点交流碰撞。 我的第一篇色魔张大妈评测 京东 Bose无线消噪耳塞黑色真无线蓝牙降噪耳机11级可控消噪动态音质均衡技术鲨鱼鳍防掉落 ...
热销型号2:Bose QC消噪耳塞II-黑色 (京东价:1099)Bose的QuietComfort Earbud II蓝牙耳机让你能全情投入到音乐中。它的降噪系统非常出色,能有效屏蔽周围的嘈杂,让你享受清晰的音质。佩戴时特别舒适,长时间使用也完全没有不适感。智能音场调校功能更是让人感觉仿佛置身于音乐会现场,听觉体验绝对提升。这款耳机...