While I struggle to recommend an almost $300 product that likely won’t live beyonda couple of years, you could do much worse than the Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds. Bose put the time in to fix the major issues with the previous earbuds, and the Bose QC Ultra Earbuds are very befitting...
bring the earbuds or headphones that I’m currently testing. When you test, you need a point of comparison, so the QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds have been coming along for the ride. That’s given me more time with these buds than I had before I wrote the first version of this review. ...
近期,Bose 旗下的明星入耳式降噪耳机系列 QuietComfort 消噪耳塞(也就是昵称「大鲨」的耳机系列)推出了新一代产品 QuietComfort 消噪耳塞 Ultra,新款「大鲨」在命名上不再延续前代的数字序号,而直接标上了「Ultra」之名,且更带来更强降噪、沉浸式空间音频及 Snapdragon Sound 骁龙畅听支持等粉丝们期盼已久的...
BOSE QC EarBuds这款耳机,降噪表现在实际佩戴时基本可以达到苹果AirPods Pro的水平,甚至有些频段表现比...
Tested: The Best Open-Ear Headphones of 2025 7 Best Earbuds for Iphones We Highly Recommend The Best Headphone Deals of Cyber Monday 2024 Our Favorite Tech and Gadget Products of 2024 How to Deep Clean Your Earbuds The 9 Best Noise-Canceling Headphones ...
About this review: This review was written after two weeks testing a pair of Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds purchased by XDA. Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds: Pricing and availability The Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds are available now at retailers around the world. In the U.S., the retail...
Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds Review: Seriously the Best Noise Cancellation! High-end premium earbuds that can make travel less noisy and distracting.Immersive Audio is a new mode from Bose that aims to expand the music soundscape. It takes any song and gives it more depth and dimension. I...
Bose QuietComfort Earbuds ✅ 优点总结:音质 ・ 降噪・ 舒适・ 可用性 ・ 耐用・ ❌ 缺点总结:轻便 ・ 声场・ 京东查看价格 通过收集并分析了25条关于Bose QuietComfort Earbuds的评论。该产品的平均评分为4.3/5,而其他耳机的所有评论的平均评分为4.0/5。人们对其尺寸和可用性印象深刻。舒适性和...
BOSE 博士 QuietComfort Ultra 大鲨3代 主动降噪蓝牙耳机 蓝色 降噪耳机 耳机优惠好货 品类榜商品 ¥1733.25 大法的XM5买了没多久,佩戴越来越松,尤其左耳,一个劲的掉,试了所有尺寸的耳塞都没用,可能是我耳朵问题,那就无解了,这下留给我的选择只剩鲨鱼3代了。可是前阵子才吐槽过Bose辣鸡QC2代要命的断连...
“Bose QuietComfort Earbuds” 优点:一流的音质和降噪、佩戴不易脱落、高中低音域声音逼真、支持Qi(无线充电)、IPX4 防水。 缺点:暂无(硬要说的话,就是非原装耳塞更换后有点违和感) 一流的音质和降噪非常令人满意,可以说是几乎明显缺陷的真无线蓝牙耳机,适用于各种音乐流派,是音乐爱好者的心仪之选。