1.gd_weap_machine_pistol.mag.mag3_SandS_Thanatos(Big Tony say "Hi"!)大托尼超大弹夹[连发手枪]2.gd_weap_combat_shotgun.mag.mag2_Dahl_Bulldog(One Bad Dog)沙皮狗超大弹夹[散弹枪]3.gd_weap_patrol_smg.UniqueParts.BoneShredder_mag5(The Lead Wind Blows)每次开火打出两发子弹[SMG]刚出来那地方...
Support Machinegun Shared Material Parts Unique Parts Weapon Parts List: Barrels Bodies Grips Magazines Sights Stocks Prefixes Titles Item List: Class Mods Grenade Mods Shields Artifacts Currency Item Grades: Item Grades Manufacturers: Manufacturers ...
What type of items can I purchase at Maurice’s vending machine? Maurice’s Black Market always offers multiple versions of 3 different legendary items. Weapon Parts, Elements, and Anoints are mixed up so you can find the best version. Gearbox Software carefully selected top-tier legendary items...
During development, Gearbox Software referred toBorderlands 3as "the big one". According to the developers,Borderlands 3allegedly features over 1 billion guns. This is the first major Borderlands game to not feature the psycho holding the gun gestures on the cover of the game (Until the Steam ...
RepeaterPistol和MachinePistol可以认为是一类,因为有通用partsRevolver应该单独算一个类,它没有action但有stock不过熟练度里是把他们都归为Pistol了但在itemgrades中他们都是各自独立的,毕竟基础数值并不是共享的GrenadeLauncher貌似例外 Repeater和MachinePistol应该也不是很专业的叫法,因为现实中手枪的具体工作原理分好多种...
gd_weap_sniper_rifle.UniqueParts.ShepsElephantGun_sight_none我最讨厌的部件为了加物理伤害竟然把镜去掉了。其实我那爆炸机枪的伤害已经够猛的了,403X4还有4倍爆炸,精度也92了我觉得这个就很bt了,其实那枪伤害还可以上调,但是由于上调伤害会降低精度,所以就没该,如果我加the dove枪管,伤害又下来了 6楼2010-01...
The flavor text for this gun, "Why don't you go shoot yourself an Elephant?" is a line spoken by Bugs Bunny to Elmer Fudd during the 1951 Merrie Melody short "Rabbit Fire." Miller Beer Mission: Parts is Parts Upon completion of this mission, the flavor text "It's Filler Time!
You need to get all the parts to Cosmo’s Lab and shoot down all the Energized Shugguraths restricting the launch to complete this optional quest. Nothing is never an Option How to Unlock: Complete Intelligences of the Artificial Persuasion ...
Mechani-Cool Unlock 10 Vehicle Parts via hijacking. 30 Bronze Tips Appreciated Tip Moxxi. 15 Bronze I Hope You Didn't Tea-bag Win a duel. 15 Bronze Stay Away From The Light Revive another player. 15 Bronze Gun Pals! Send an item to a friend. 15 Bronze Dropping Loads ...