1 set 目标武器SE中的MaterialParent 拥有目标皮肤武器的SE中的Material项dump后GunMaterial一栏的数据2 同上,将Parent关键字换成Material关键字。第一种会将后面武器的皮肤混合到前面武器上。第二种会把后面武器的皮肤直接替换到前面武器上。第二种更严格一些,武器差距越大(类型、生产商),效果越差。注:较复杂的...
Weapons in Borderlands 2, much like in the previous game, are generated using a procedural algorithm which combines various Parts to create an enormously large number of possible variations.在无主之地2中的武器,就像它的前作一样,是用一个计算进程来组合多样化的组建来达到可能武器变化非常多的一个效果...
Revolver parts are fairly simple, as any combination of parts may spawn together to make a particular revolver. The only unusual feature of revolvers is the stock, which does not change the appearance of the weapon, although it (or its absence) still aff
The Burny is part of a sub-group of SMGs that only can spawn with a fixed-element Maliwan barrel. They feature the higher-than-usual elemental damage/second and element chance granted by the Maliwan barrel. Because of the fixed parts configuration, SMGs in this group spawn much more rarely ...
Essentially, orange weapons modify the base gun with their specific parts and their title (which adds rarity and flavor text). Many of these descriptions may never be found on weapons in-game because another file has marked them as inactive. Some inactive weapons can be created by modding. ...
2.gd_weap_combat_shotgun.mag.mag2_Dahl_Bulldog(One Bad Dog)沙皮狗超大弹夹[散弹枪]3.gd_weap_patrol_smg.UniqueParts.BoneShredder_mag5(The Lead Wind Blows)每次开火打出两发子弹[SMG]刚出来那地方隔壁那boss4.5.gd_weap_patrol_smg.mag.mag1_thumper()[SMG]6.gd_weap_patrol_smg.mag.mag4_...
gd_weap_patrol_smg.UniqueParts.BoneShredder_mag5 gd_weap_sniper_rifle_semiauto.Barrel.barrel1_Dahl_Penetrator gd_weap_revolver_pistol.Barrel.barrel4_Dahl_Anaconda gd_weap_combat_shotgun.acc.acc4_Atlas_Hydra gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Barrel.barrel4_Jakobs_Skullmasher gd_weap_shared_materialpa...
The rarity values assigned to a gun's parts do not necessarily correspond to how much damage they can do, nor can the weapon generator account for the gun's actual performance, synergy between parts (e.g. a Carnage shotgun barrel with an elemental accessory) or lack thereof (e.g. a ...
Have the first weapon with no parts (invisible gun). This will be your control weapon, as it has base stats. Have the subsequent weapons have only one part. For instance, if you are testings barrels, have one with just barrel1, one with just barrel2, etc. ...
you will need 2 Shock Norfleets and 2 Fire Norfleets to get the best out of this trick but you can use the Storm Front Grenade instead of Shock Norfleets. The reason for using a low-level Logan's Gun is so you can regenerate ammo by shooting it at your feet and absorbing it wit...