蓬乱的哈罗德 WIKI功能 阅读 查看源代码 查看历史 浏览属性 页面贡献者 阅读: 更新日期:2022-10-05 最新编辑:Mr_Zsir 页面贡献者 :
Increased Blue Fire's number of drops from its loot pool to 2. Adjusted the Agonizer 9000's dedicated item drops. It now has a 30% chance to drop from either of its loot pools, the Crader's EM-P5 has been moved to the Dictator/Loaded Dice loot pool, and the Agonizer 1500 has been...
Critical•Psycho Stabber•Queen's Call•Res•Roisen's Thorns•S3RV-80S-EXECUTE•Scorpio•Scoville•Sellout•Seventh Sense•SkekSil•Superball•The Blanc•The Companion•The Duc•The Flood•Thunderball Fists•Tizzy•TNTina•Trickshot•Unforgiven•Unkempt Harold•Wagon ...