Drop Rates, Sources & Locations Weapon Parts Splash Damage Weapon effects Buffs & Nerfs and more... Featured Weapons Fearmonger Seeker Firecracker Frequency Try-Bolt Flayer Frozen Devil Sawbar Rebound Florentine Tools Tools are designed to assist theVault Hunterwith ordinary tasks and helpsimplify the...
Now the script is running, but it didn't affect the drop rates/rarity Am I doing something wrong here? Top MzK47 Cheater Posts: 35 Joined: Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:34 am Reputation: 1 Re: Borderlands 2 0 Post by MzK47 » Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:09 pm Thanks man. Top SUPER...
The graph shows that Ambient Occlusion has a noticeable impact on frame rates, reducing them by about 10-15 frames per second at higher resolutions. Given it is a very subtle effect in Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, you may wish to disable it to provide an FPS boost with ...
For the next two weeks, every boss in the game has boosted drop rates, including the Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite bosses! May these two weeks be challenging, rewarding, and full of loot! *The Debt Collector is excluded from this list, as it’s tied to an achievement!
When you're at the "Fire the Cannon" part of the mission, backup your save to both the in-game Cross-Save Cloud and either the PS Plus Save File Cloud or a USB Drive in case he doesn't drop what you're looking for. Look through the pool of loot that Rakkanoth has dropped,but...
variety. All of the missions in the original Borderlands were static, meaning the player's list ...
18 Alpha Skags and shields with 130 defense points and 27 recharge rates. A world that immerses so little that you never feel you are on a mysterious planet called Pandora. In fact, I felt I was in my room playing a shallow, uninspired game. Playing Borderlands made me remember some ...
its more like something closer to what TPS had,will see how the following DLCs change this but I hope they wont go over their head again like in BL 2. Also glad that they got rid of Slag mechanics,even they admited at some point that it was 'bad'. Droprates were also garbage at ...
If you find an anointed item that works, you can use it over again for better success rates. 8. Your non-anointed item is now anointed. Good Luck! How to use this cheat table? Install Cheat Engine Double-click the .CT file in order to open it. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine...
It’s a dream come true when Weird Al Yankovic and Thomas Lennon drop by the kitchen for some curried-up bunny chow and veggie samosas. We also dive into history, Broadway shows, and of course – our favorite Weird Al songs and The State characters. Check out Weird Al on his BIGGER &...