16 Uplifting Quotes for Your Most Dismal Moments
Filling your apartment with plants is more than just an Instagram trend—it’s a proven fact that plants can boost your mood, keep you healthy, and increase your productivity. On top of improving the oxygen flow around your home, plants can also help you avoid illness.Scientists in No...
Get the right amount of sleep.Getting enough sleep really helps with our mood.Grab this sleep tracker. Listen to uplifting music.There is something about good music that lifts our spirits. Watch a funny movieA funny movie always helps us when we are in a bad mood. Go easy on yourselfGive...
“Getting your heart rate up increases your happy hormones (like serotonin and dopamine), thus improving your mood and reducing pain,” says Folden...Brigitt Earley Contributing Writer Brigitt is awriter, editor and craft stylistwith nearly 15 years of experience. She specializes in lifestyle topi...
–Listen to your favorite inspirational song or podcast on your way to work. Whether it’s uplifting lyrics or inspiring words from your favorite motivational speaker, fill your mind with positivity and feel the difference it makes in your mood and outlook. ...
speech perception, quality of life, physical activity, loneliness, isolation, mood, and medical health...The researchers unsurprisingly concluded the study on an uplifting note, suggesting that early detection...As today’s fact shows, we canstrengthenall of these as we age—with the help of better...
Whether you're looking for feel-good fiction or self-help guides, these happiness books will put you in a better mood and maybe even give you a new outlook on life.