具体来说,后15个数据储存的是对元素本身hash值的截断,用以simd快速粗略匹配。 其缩减的具体行为是将hash值直接取末尾一字节,再把0,1替换为8,9,因为0,1被用作空桶和组终止标记(哨位)。 而ofw是溢出位,用以表达“是否曾经有个短hash因为已经组已满,导致插不进去”,用 % 8将这个短hash值压进对应的位上。...
E:\tests\repro-import_std\simpleapp\moduleA.mxx(11): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::unordered::unordered_flat_map<int,T,boost::hash<T>,std::equal_to<int>,std::allocator<std::pair<const Key,T>>>' being compiled with [ T=int, Key=int ] E:\...
比如 noncopyable、字符串算法、format、pool、xpressive、flat_map 等等都是很实用的。function,bind,lambda, shared_ptr,auto 等已经进入 C++ 11,用 boost 已经没有必要了。 boost 的性能不需要担心。 boost 唯一的问题包含太多的东西(这个是它优点也是缺点),太庞大了,直接包含到工程中不方便。 实际应用中,我都...
#9931: "flat_map::insert(ordered_unique_range_t...) fails with move_iterators". #9955: "Using memcpy with overlapped buffers in vector". </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </li> Context: fcontext_t is opaque pointer to context-data changed signature of make_fcontext() ...
boost::concurrent_node_setboost::concurrent_node_map Variations ofboost::concurrent_flat_(set|map)providing pointer stability. Learn about Boost.Unordered Boost.Unordered can be installed in a number of ways: Download Boostand you're ready to go (this is a header-only library requiring no build...
farmhash fast-cpp-csv-parser fast-float fastcdr fastcgi fastfeat fastlz fastor fastrtps fbgemm fbthrift fcl fdk-aac fdlibm ffmpeg ffnvcodec fftw3 fftwpp field3d fixed-string fizz flann flashlight-cpu flashlight-cuda flatbuffers flint fltk fluidlite fluidsynth fmem fmi4cpp fmilib fmt folly font...
m) Property Map 库:提供键/值映射的属性概念定义 n) Property Tree 库:保存了多个属性值的树形数据结构 o) Unordered 库:散列容器,相当于hash_xxx p) Variant 库:简单地说,就是持有string, vector等复杂类型的联合体 迭代器库 a) GIL 库:通用图像库 ...
As mentioned, mechanically the brake package at the front and the rear are the same from the 2020 to the 2024 Tiger 900 Rally Pro, and they’re flat-out top level on and off-road. Adjusting the front brake lever, you can take away some of the initial bite for off-road sections, but...
AtomicHashMap.h,AtomicHashArray.h,AtomicHashArray.h,AtomicLinkedList.h, ... High-performance atomic data-structures. Many of these are built with very specific tradeoffs and constraints in mind that make them faster than their more general counterparts. Each header should contain information about ...
A simple LRU hash map. FBString.h A drop-in implementation of std::string with a variety of optimizations. FBVector.h A mostly drop-in implementation of std::vector with a variety of optimizations. ...