flat_setis a Sorted Associative Container 有序的关联性容器 that stores objects of type Key.flat_setis a Simple Associative Container 简单关联型容器, meaning that its value type, as well as its key type, is Key. It is also a Unique Associative Container, meaning that no two elements are t...
set(http::field::host, "localhost"); request.set(http::field::user_agent, "Boost Beast"); // 发送请求 http::write(stream, request); // 接收并打印响应 beast::flat_buffer buffer; http::response<http::string_body> response; http::read(stream, buffer, response); std::cout << "...
boost::unordered_flat_setboost::unordered_flat_map The fastest of the lot. Based on open addressing, these containers slightly deviate from the standard in exchange for top performance. boost::unordered_node_setboost::unordered_node_map
void setModuleName(std::string _moduleName) { m_moduleName = std::move(_moduleName); } private: HttpStream::Ptr m_httpStream; boost::beast::flat_buffer m_buffer; std::shared_ptr<boost::beast::flat_buffer> m_buffer; std::shared_ptr<Queue> m_queue; HttpReqHandler m_httpReqHandler;...
beast::flat_buffer buffer_; }; class WebSocketServer { public: WebSocketServer(asio::io_context& ioc, tcp::endpoint endpoint) : ioc_(ioc), acceptor_(ioc) { // 创建并打开 acceptor acceptor_.open(endpoint.protocol()); acceptor_.set_option(asio::socket_base::reuse_address(true)); acceptor...
{http::verb::get,"/",11};req.set(http::field::host,"www.example.com");req.set(http::field::user_agent,"Beast");// 将HTTP请求发送到远程主机http::write(stream,req);// 接收HTTP响应beast::flat_bufferbuffer;http::response<http::dynamic_body>res;http::read(stream,buffer,res);// ...
boost::beast::flat_buffer buffer; //http::response<http::empty_body> res; //res.result(http::status::unknown); //res.version(10); http::parser<false, http::empty_body> p; p.skip(true); //http::read(beast::get_lowest_layer(stream_), buffer_, p); ...
Fixed an off-by-one error in the signal_set implementation's signal number check (#9324). Changed to use SSE2 intrinsics rather than inline assembly, to allow the Cray compiler to work. Stopped using certain Winsock functions that are marked as deprecated in the latest Visual C++ and Wind...
It can be as simple as moving to another room or heading to the upper floors or the rooftop if you live in a flat or you're staying at a hotel. There are instances when your phone is unable to catch a signal because of poor coverage by your network. Perhaps the cell site is locate...