equal_range.cpp Run #include <functional> #include <iostream> #include <locale> #include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp> bool iless(char lhs, char rhs) { std::locale loc; return std::toupper(lhs, loc) < std::toupper(rhs, loc); } int main() { std::string s = "abbCCCcccd"; // ...
empty(); // 如果集合为空,返回true equal_range(); //返回集合中与给定值相等的上下限的两个迭代器 erase() //删除集合中的元素 find() //返回一个指向被查找到元素的迭代器 get_allocator() //返回集合的分配器 insert() //在集合中插入元素 lower_bound() //返回指向大于(或等于)某值的第一个元素...
C++ STL中next_permutation、prev_permutation、sort、stable_sort、partial_sort、 partial_sort_copy、nth_element、binary_search、lower_bound、upper_bound、 equal_range、merge、inplace_merge、includes、set_union、set_intersection、 set_difference、set_symmetric_difference、makde_heap、push_heap、pop_heap、...
开发者ID:UCLOrengoGroup,项目名称:cath-tools,代码行数:13,代码来源:boost_check_equal_ranges.hpp 示例4: find_end inlineBOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME disable_if< is_const<ForwardRange1>, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_return<ForwardRange1,re>::type ...
const_iterator equal_range(const key_type & x) const; std::pair< iterator, iterator >equal_range(const key_type & x); Effects: Equivalent to std::make_pair(this->lower_bound(k), this->upper_bound(k)). Complexity: Logarithmic
for(autoit = make_find_iterator(str1, first_finder("abc",is_iequal())); !it.eof(); ++it) { cout << copy_range<std::string>(*it) << endl; } Erase/Replace boost把erase和replace函数分开来列了,这样的好处是命名比较清晰,但不好的地方时函数变得非常多,不如重载的形式那么好记。
get<1>(); auto range = age_view.equal_range(27); for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) { std::cout << "Name: " << it->name << ", Age: " << it->age << ", Salary: " << it->salary<< std::endl; } // 按薪水查询 auto salary_view = es.get<2...
Invariants Range size boost::size(a) is equal to the distance from boost::be- gin(a) to boost::end(a). See also implementation of metafunctions implementation of functions Bidirectional Range Notation XA type that is a model of Bidirectional Range. a Object of type X. Description This ...