#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<boost/filesystem.hpp>intmain(int argc,char*argv[]){namespace fs=boost::filesystem;fs::pathptr("C://windows/");// 基础属性判断if(!ptr.empty()){std::cout<<"目录是否存在: "<<fs::exists(ptr)<<std::endl;std::cout<<"是否为目录: "<<fs::...
int shapeSize = ndArray1.get_nd();//len(ndArray1); std::cout << "shapeSize :" << shapeSize << std::endl; if (2 != shapeSize) { std::cout << "ndarray is not two dimension ,but is:" << shapeSize << std::endl; return; } auto shapePtr= ndArray1.get_shape(); auto str...
/** Read a value from the serial port, adding this to the CRC calculator. * @param port The...
get_address()); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < region.get_size(); ++i) if(*mem++ != 1) return 1; //Error checking memory } return 0; } 针对没有共享内存对象的系统的仿真 Boost.Interprocess 依据 POSIX 语义提供了可移植的共享内存。然而,某些操作系统并不支持由 POSIX 所定义的共享内存...
{if(n==0 || n==1) {return 1;} reurn fab(n-1)+fab(n-2); } main(){ packaged_task<int>pt(bind(fab,10)); unique_future<int>uf=pt.get_future(); thread(boost::move(pt)); uf.wait(); assert(uf.is_ready()&&uf.has_value()); ...
if (i == 1) { CMyData_Child* child =reinterpret_cast<CMyData_Child*>(d); std::cout << "pointer" << i + 1 <<", number: " << child->GetNumber() << "\n"; } } } } 注意,我们在CMyData_Container对象里面放进去了3个指针,其中第二个指针是CMyData的子类。
ifimportance_type=='weight': # do a simpler tree dump to save time trees=self.get_dump(fmap, with_stats=False) fmap={} fortreeintrees: forlineintree.split('\n'): # look for the opening square bracket arr=line.split('[')
{if(*pcount <3) { cout<<"count ="<<*pcount<<endl; cout<<boost::this_thread::get_id()<<endl; (*pcount) ++; pt->expires_at(pt->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::seconds(5)) ; pt->async_wait(boost::bind(Print, boost::asio::placeholders::error, pt, pcount)); ...
build-id = [ option.get buildid ] ; if $(build-id) { BUILD_ID = [ regex.replace $(build-id) "[*\\/:.\"\' ]" _ ] ; } # Python build id (for Python libraries only). python-id = [ option.get "python-buildid" ] ; if $(python-id) { PYTHON_ID = [ re...
boost::system::error_code err; sock.connect(ep, err); if ( err) std::cout << err << std::endl;当使用异步函数时,你可以在你的回调函数里面检查其返回的错误码。异步函数从来不抛出异常,因为这样做毫无意义。那谁会捕获到它呢?在你的异步函数中,你可以使用异常处理或者错误码(随心所欲),但要保持...