7.Initiator 执行特定程序代码启动异步操作,初始化器通过如basic_stream_socket等高层次接口与异步操作处理器交互,并返回reactive_socket_service等类型的服务代理。 六、常用内容 1.asio::io_context asio提供的一个基本的io对象,只有调用其run方法的线程才会被asio调度去执行任务,可以通过post方法添加一个任务。 asio:...
#ifdef ENABLE_BOOST_THREAD classthread_pool { public: explicitthread_pool(intthread_nums=24); ~thread_pool(); protected: staticthread_pool*instance() { staticthread_poolinst(48); return&inst; } private: basic_thread_pool*tp; boost::mutexmtx_; public: staticvoidpost_task(void(*work)());...
basic_format& bind_arg(int argN, const T& val) 把格式化字符串第argN位置的输入参数固定为val,即使调用clear()也保持不变,除非调用clear_bind()或clear_binds() basic_format& clear_bind(int argN) 取消格式化字符串第argN位置的参数绑定 basic_format& clear_binds() basic_format& modify_item(int item...
3.7 intrusive_ptr 85 3.8 pool库概述 85 3.9 pool 85 3.9.1 类摘要 86 3.9.2 操作函数 86 3.9.3 用法 87 3.10 object_pool 88 3.10.1 类摘要 88 3.10.2 操作函数 88 3.10.3 用法 89 3.10.4 使用更多的构造参数 90 3.11 singleton_pool 91 3.11.1 类摘要 91 3.11.2 用法 92 3.12 pool_alloc ...
比如正则表达式本身(basic_regex)与一次匹配的结果(match_results)是不可变的;而匹配动作本身(match_regex)涉及状态更新,是可变的,于是用可重入的函数将其封装起来,不让这些数据泄露给别的线程。正是由于做了这样合理的区分,regex 在正常使用时就不必加锁。
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& socket() const正在返回类型为boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket的_socket,并给出此错误 error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type ‘boost::asio::basic_stream_socket<boost::asio::ip::tcp, boost::asio::stream_socket_service<boost::asio::...
Thread: New Experimental Features: #7446 Async: Add when_any. #7447 Async: Add when_all. #7448 Async: Add async taking a scheduler parameter. #8274 Synchro: Add concurrent queue #8513 Async: Add a basic thread_pool executor. #8518 Synchro: Add a latch class. #8516 Async:...
As an introductory example, let's consider what happens when you perform a connect operation on a socket. We shall start by examining synchronous operations. Your program will have at least one I/O execution context, such as an boost::asio::io_context object, boost::asio::thread_pool objec...
**distributed primitives**— Examples for basic distributed primitive structures. * **atomiclong**: Illustrates simple IAtomicLong usage. * **countdownlatch**: Illustrates simple ICountdown latch usage in the cluster. * **countdownlatch**: Illustrates simple ICountdown boost::latch usage in the...