下载threadpool,然后把threadpool里面的boost目录下的threadpool.hpp和threadpool文件夹拷贝到/usr/local/include/boost/下(如果有权限问题还得cd /usr/local/include/boost && sudo chmod -R 777 *). 使用threadpool需要链接boost的两个共享库:boost_thre...
积分:1 基于pwm脉宽调制技术搭建的三相逆变电路 2025-02-11 03:26:54 积分:1 第六周学习任务.md 2025-02-11 02:25:36 积分:1 default.rviz 2025-02-11 01:58:57 积分:1 Spring Boot 注解解决重试问题 2025-02-11 00:32:29 积分:1 琵琶面板组合自行加工件.dxf ...
46 int main() { 47 asio::io_service service; 48 UDPAsyncServer server(service, 55000); 49 50 boost::thread_group pool; 51 pool.create_thread([&service] {; }); 52 pool.create_thread([&service] {; }); 53 pool.join_all(); 54 } 除了较小的代码片段...
而从pool::malloc,就执行单向链表的删除节点操作,每次都返回首个chunk,因此未进行重新申请block前,malloc都是O(1)。 pool::free(ptr)操作就是找到ptr属于哪个PODptr,然后把ptr添加到单向链表头。 pool::ordered_free(ptr)找到ptr属于哪个PODptr,然后通过插入排序把ptr添加到单向链表。 部分源码 /* 该函数是simple...
Patch51: boost-1.58.0-pool-test_linking.patch # Patch61: boost-1.57.0-python-libpython_dep.patch Patch62: boost-1.66.0-python-abi_letters.patch # Patch65: boost-1.66.0-buil...
INVALID_IO_BOOST_STATE Parameters ParameterDescription 1Pointer to the thread which had the invalid boost state 2Current boost state or throttle count 3Reserved 4Reserved
typedef boost::function<void (void)> thread_do_func; class xl_thread_pool :boost::noncopyable { public: xl_thread_pool(int thread_num) :num_(thread_num), run_(false) { } ~xl_thread_pool() { if (run_) { stop(); } } void start() { if (num_ <= 0) return; int i = 0;...
目前python客户端只支持linux,win不行 class ConcurrentModeEnum: THREADING = 1 GEVENT = 2 EVENTLET = 3 ASYNC = 4 # asyncio并发,适用于async def定义的函数。 SINGLE_THREAD = 5 # is_fsdf_remote_run = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25...
已经被招安的: thread,filesystem、 时间,随机数、智指、静态断言、unorder、Bind……(还有好多,...
pool predef preprocessor program_options property_map property_tree proto ptr_container python random range ratio regex serialization signals signals2 smart_ptr spirit statechart system test thread timer tr1 tti tuple type_erasure type_index type_traits typeof units unordered utility u...