The newest novel by British horror writer Adam Nevill, All the Fiends of Hell, is a horror version of an alien invasion. And it is written very much as if you are watching a movie, as if the writer is saying: “Hollywood, look here, look what I wrote, wouldn’t you like to adapt...
This column chronicled the cases he was sent on by the Warrens and the serious cases working alongside them. Dark Siege: A Connecticut Family's Nightmare is a must read for any paranormal enthusiast, investigator, or researcher - and most of all, for anyone who has endured or is currently...
another as they turn. In the slow turning, different woven patterns appear — some suddenly, some gradually. Some patterns bring to mind the streets and cityscape the novel’s characters can no longer see. Some, the hospital warrens the quarantined inhabit. Some, the tradition of carpet ...
who have deep roots in the community but also four teenagers who are up to all sorts of behaviors their proper mother doesn’t want to know about; the Warrens, a single mother and teen daughter who rent a condo from the Richardson; a single, immigrant mother who ...
This time-worn tome is written by the sage Elminster, and apparently part of a much larger body of work containing detailed studies of most of the strange creatures from around Faerun. The appendix seems to refer to newly-discovered variations on normal breeds of creatures. Of particular inte...
“Words fly, writing remains”) — but presumably to draw yet more attention to the solidity of the written word over the iffy ephemerality of the spoken word, the subjunctivevolent(“Words may fly” or “If words fly”) comes into play. As the lid lifts, the work’s titleAlphabook...
I'd build all kinds of goblin decks, and then when I got a card called "Goblin Warrens", I could sacrifice two goblins to get three goblin tokens. I'd represent the tokens with keys and I'd– What? Oh, right, the book! Goblin Hero is the second in a series, the first being ...
said Benjamin, “I’ve tried to compose a new Christmas story every year. During my tenure as editor of theMansfield(Mass.)News, I contrived to fill our fat holiday issue with Christmas stories written by kids in every grade of the Mansfield schools. The results were a joy to the world...
This week’s TTT topic is interesting because it poses the question, what about one word title books? I had to have a good think after the first couple that sprang to mind, which was fun because the digging led me down some rabbit warrens of adding books to my tbr. ...
Do you crave “the kind of brainy, darkly comedic, and gory as hell sci-fi action flicks Paul Verhoeven used to make”—in which case, you should take a look at the trailer forRepo Men, a new must-see/must-read SFF thriller, conceived/written by the brilliant Eric Garcia. (The movi...