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forAfrica—aswellasapossibleplaceintherecordbooks. 24.WhatcanbelearnedaboutCookduringhisrunfromparagraph2? A.Hehadnocompanythroughout.B.Hewasalwaysinphysicalcomfort. C.Hisjourneywasfreefromdanger.D.Hefacedextremeweatherconditions. 25.WhatcanwesayaboutWarrensdecisiontojoinCooksjourney? A.Itwashislongexpecta...
The movie portrays the Annabelle doll as a porcelain doll, but the real Annabelle doll is a large "Raggedy Ann" doll. The Warrens had a special case built for Annabelle inside their Occult Museum, where she resides to this day. Errores (at around 15 mins) 911, while invented in 1968,...
The movie portrays the Annabelle doll as a porcelain doll, but the real Annabelle doll is a large "Raggedy Ann" doll. The Warrens had a special case built for Annabelle inside their Occult Museum, where she resides to this day. गूफ़ (at around 15 mins) 911, while invented in 19...