The book delves into the concept of living intentionally and aligning one's life with God's purposes, offering insights on how to cultivate a deeper spiritual connection and find meaning in everyday existence. It explores the importance of serving others and making a positive impact, guiding read...
"Life isn't made by what you can accomplish. It's made by what you can accomplish with others."- Intentional Living, page 188 For our partnerships and alliances with others to be effective, they must be made with like-minded, but more importantly, like-valued people. If you and I are...
7. A Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living – Emily Ley $10.49 Buy on Amazon 12/11/2024 04:05 pm GMT Most people suffering from a life-threatening illness say“I never felt more alive”.Let’s not waituntil disaster strikes to feel alive; start feeling alive nowwhen you...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Architecture Books at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
The Spanish and English versions of Blanco’s text shape, and are shaped by, the bilateral symmetry of the letter X and the codex form of the book. Spanish on the left, English on the right: the imposition of type and the ghostly images of the X play with one another. The two texts...
As Wood points out in the loose insert colophon, the watery blue that fills the letter is intentional — as must be the precise alignment of the inner peaks of the letter with the gutter. Such attention to detail in the midst of so much activity on the page demands a similar ...
Check Price on Amazon Kindle Takeaways: The Year of Lesschronicles Flanders'personal journey of embracing minimalismand intentional living, showcasing the transformative power of consuming less and simplifying one's life. Flanders shares practical insights intodecluttering, mindful spending, and breaking ...
About Intentional Parenting 101: Practical Strategies to Break Survival Mode Are you parenting on autopilot, just getting through the day? Imagine a more purposeful path where you connect deeply with your children, foster a positive home environment, and guide them with intention. This book will sh...
The best ofThe Minimalists:from simple living, decluttering, and finances, to passion, health, and relationships,Essentialis for anyone who desires a more intentional life. “Helping us end our obsession with stuff.” —LA Weekly Print·Kindle·Audiobook ...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Books at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.