The book focuses on universal principles that are equally applicable to leaders in any type of organization. Topics range from effective communication to leadership styles to personal self-improvement. Discover more>> Systems-Sensitive Leadership
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of Starlight has been enormous. He has helped us to brighten the lives of thousands of children and their family’s at a time when they need it most. I know this book will provide simple yet effective tools for many on their personal leadership journey. I hope you all enjoy the read!
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“Radical Candor”is a book dedicated to helping people become great managers, bosses, and leaders as a whole. As a company founder, you’ll be in charge of other employees and frequently deal with business partners. This means that your leadership skills should be on point, which is what ...
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The Art of Persuasive Leadership: How to Influence, Establish Trust, and Gain Respectmight be right for you if you want to learn how to motivate people better and be a more effective leader. It teaches people to be better at persuasion and winning people over while still maximizing efficiency...