In August, I’ll be travelling to the USA, going through Washington DC, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. I’ve already readThe Line That HeldUs by David Joy andCountry Darkby Chris Offutt. I love to read books about the place I’m visiting, so I’ll be reading: ...
South AfricaCentral to this study are the researchers' interests in describing leisure reading tendencies amongst secondary school learners in the age range of 16 and 17 years old. The study collected data by means of a questionnaire which consisted of both closed and open-ended questions. The ...
He argues that the designer of this teaching plan makes a false (assumption) that all learners are at the same level. 2. All the tourists were (fascinated) by the magnificent scenery along the coastline. 3. In some parts of the world, the population (explosion) in the past ...
LifeYogaClubisheretomakeyourlifeeasierandhealthier.Ourfocusistoprovidealltheimportantyogasuppliesaswellasclassestosupportaregularyogapracticeandpromotehealthfullivingforeachofourclubmembers.Ourclubisperfectfortheintermediate(中级的)andadvancedlearnersandwillmeetonceweekly(Thu.). UltimateFrisbeeClub Foundedin2010,wewel...
Englishlearners.WillChineseEnglishdevelopitsownidentity?Onlytimewilltell. 英语通向现代英语之路世纪末期⼤约有百万到百万⼈说英语,⼏乎所有这些⼈都⽣活在英国。后来,在 Reading165717 世纪英国⼈开始航海征服了世界其它地区。于是,许多别的国家开始说英语了。如今说英语的⼈⽐以往任何时候都多,他们有 ...
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