Functionally, the fossils indicate quadrupedal or leaping habits rather than suspensory or bipedal behaviors.doi:10.1159/000155882Fleagle, John G.Simons, Elwyn L.S. Karger AGFolia PrimatologicaFleagle JG, and Simons EL (1979)Anatomy of the bony pelvis in parapithecid primates. Folia Primatol. 31I...
The bony pelvis is key to many functions of the body, as a transitional zone for neurovascular structures traversing between the abdomen and the lower limbs, a junctional point between the spine and lower limb forces during locomotion, and a structure within which lie crucial visceral structures s...
The hip joint is a spheroidal, or ball-and-socket-type, synovial joint stabilized by bony and ligamentous restraints. The osseous anatomy of the femoroacetabular articulation contributes to the hip’s inherent stability. The pelvis is made up of three parts: the ilium, ischium, and pubis. Thes...
2.(Anatomy) the bones that form this structure 3.(Anatomy) any anatomical cavity or structure shaped like a funnel or cup 4.(Anatomy) short forrenal pelvis [C17: from Latin: basin, laver] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 19...
The normal gross and computed tomographic anatomy of the bony pelvis is briefly reviewed, with special reference to the bony masses of greatest concern to a surgeon. Normal transverse computed tomography (CT) images are shown. I describe a unique, comprehensive protocol for multiplanar CT reformatio...
The pelvis closely resembles those of other Tiaojishan theropods andArchaeopteryx4. The ilium has a preacetabular process considerably longer than the postacetabular process that is slightly downturned; the pubis is slightly curved posteriorly and it has a strongly hooked boot as in the unenlagiids...
3.The mammalian bony labyrinth reconsidered, introducing a comprehensive geometric morphometric approach and spring 机译:重新考虑了哺乳动物的骨迷宫,引入了一种全面的几何形态学方法 GunzP. ,RamsierM. ,KuhrigM. - Journal of Anatomy - 2012 4.Protecting Children Online: Exploring the Impact of an ...
Accurate localisation of pathology in the foot islimited by its relatively complex anatomy. Although 99mTc-MDPbone scintigraphy provides functional information it is oftendifficult to localise the site of the abnormality in the footaccurately. The advent of hybrid SPECT-CT systems may providebetter loca...
PURPOSE: Curative radiotherapy (RT) for carcinoma of the cervix requires adequate irradiation of regional lymph node groups. The best nonsurgical method of defining lymph node anatomy in the pelvis remains the lymphangiogram (LAG). This study was designed to determine if bony landmarks could ...
Gupton M, Munjal A, Kang M. Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb: Fibula. StatPearls. 2023 Jan:():[PubMed PMID: 29261984] [3] Puzzitiello RN, Agarwalla A, Zuke WA, Garcia GH, Forsythe B. Imaging Diagnosis of Injury to the Anterolateral Ligament in Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligam...