These two apertures, together with abdominal walls, bound the abdominal cavity. There are two musculofascial abdominal walls; anterolateral and posterior. They attach to the surrounding bony structures; vertebral column, inferior margin of the thoracic cage and superior margins of the bony pelvis. ...
Cartilaginous epiphyseal plates are attached to the bony diaphysis by a transitional region, known as the metaphysis. The epiphysis and portions of the metaphysis contain a lattice of small bone spicules known as trabeculae. In the adult, once the cartilaginous plates ossify, the medullary cavity ...
MicroscopicStructureoftheBone •Cancellousbones(Figure7-4) –Noosteonsincancellousbone;instead,ithastrabeculae –Nutrientsaredeliveredandwasteproductsremovedbydiffusion throughtinycanaliculi –Bonyspiculesarearrangedalonglinesofstress,enhancingthe bone’sstrength ...
摘要: JWW) saw casualties of the Vietnam War whose initial management had been in Vietnam. Some had penetrating wounds and others had crush injuries. We managed 15 patients of the latter type who had fractures of the bony pelvis年份: 2012 ...
What is the main function of the joints? The main function of a joint is to facilitate the movement of the human body. Some additional functions of joints include providing stability to the head and pelvis, providing flexibility to the skeleton, and directing the movement of muscles at a join...
The pubic symphysis of the pelvis is a cartilaginous joint. (a) This is found in the pubic regions of the right and left hip bones are strongly anchored to each other by fibrocartilage. Synovial Joint Synovial joints or Diarthrosis have a fluid-filled synovial cavity and irregular dense tissue...
2. One of the threads of protoplasm that appear to pass from one cell to another. 3. Synonym(s): fixed partial denture Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 bridge (brĭj) n. 1. a. The upper bony ridge of the human nose. b. The part of a pair of eyeglasses that ...
Overview of the bony pelvis. Pubic symphysis Symphysis pubica 1/11 Synonyms: none The pubic symphysis is a secondary cartilaginous joint located in the midline between the bodies of the pubic bones. The symphysis is composed of the fibrocartilage interpubic disc and surrounding ligaments that ...
of the perineumPerineal bodySuperficial perineal pouchDeep perineal pouch#Urogenital triangle#Muscles of the perineum#Perineal body#Superficial perineal pouch#Deep perineal pouch#Vestibule, Bartholin's Glands and VaginaVestibuleVagina#Vestibule#Vagina#Bony Pelvis#Uterus#Fallopian Tubes#Ovaries#Female Urinary ...
Which of the following is not a structure of the small intestine that increases its surface area? a. microvilli b. villi c. plicae circularis d. rugae Small Intestine: The small intestine is the longest organ of the diges...