My bald cypress is one of my favorite trees. If there were a fire and I could take only two trees, the bald cypress would be one of them. When I got it in 1995 from a friend, Brian, who had grown it in the ground for seven years in San Diego, I decided to learn as much as...
The Bonsai Pavilion at San Diego’s Wild Animal Park has a fully grown floss silk tree next to it, and that tree is the parent of this 1998 tree. An early bonsai enthusiast started two trees from seed in 1988, and in March 1998 sold one to me. The tree was transplanted annually for...
and Japan. We are one of the few clubs around that has our own Grow Plot where trees are raised and cared for by our members to be used for Master demonstrations, then raffled off to members. We also put on two annual shows. The first at the beginning of June and the other at ...
It’s was filmed in 2006, so is a bit out of date as far as my trees go, but it’ll give you an idea what I look like at least. Feel free to comment on any page, and I would love you to say ‘hi’ on the guest book if you have liked what you’ve read....