Originally from opposite coasts, the two eventually met one another in San Diego and enmeshed their lived experiences in dance music, ranging from New York techno warehouses to eclectic Southern California desert raves, in order to create a unified creative sonic vision....
We grow and care for Bonsai Satsuki Azaleas with an eye toward our show in mid May when they are filled with flowers. Interested please come to our meetings!CALIFORNIA - San DiegoSan Diego Bonsai Club. Meets at Casa del Prado Bldg., Room 101, Balboa Park 2nd Sun. 11:00 AM. Club ...
Please see my portfolio of projects done in Japan (2018-2020) as well as domestically with customers since returning to the states. Click here. See what I’m currently up to…
In San Diego, the Chorisia speciosa (floss silk tree) starts blooming in early fall and continues to carry flowers until late December, offering color at an otherwise drab time of year. The tree is used as a street tree in San Diego, and its flowers are one of the main reasons. Its h...
I have tried over the years to keep records of my bonsai and usually forget to keep them updated, or loose the information when the computer crashes! It dawned on me that a better way would be to keep those records here in the online world were others can also view and share my experi...
in the west take some time to read through this section to find the zone that most closely matches your area and use this number to aid in plant selection. Since the book includes zones from San Diego to the mountains of Washington almost the entire country should be able to find a ...
When I got it in 1995 from a friend, Brian, who had grown it in the ground for seven years in San Diego, I decided to learn as much as I could about their cultivation. San Diego, California is a natural desert area if that tells you something about the adaptability of the bald ...
in the west take some time to read through this section to find the zone that most closely matches your area and use this number to aid in plant selection. Since the book includes zones from San Diego to the mountains of Washington almost the entire country should be able to find a ...