Related to thigh bones:Hip bones,Leg bones or thighbone n (Anatomy) a nontechnical name for thefemur Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Function: Hip joint: Thigh external rotation; Stabilizes head of femur in acetabulum Thigh muscles The thigh is the region between the hip and knee joints. People who play soccer have these specific muscles of the leg very well defined, so they’re like a walking anatomy atlas for thigh mu...
Leg, limb or appendage of an animal, used to support the body, provide locomotion, and, in modified form, assist in capturing and eating prey (as in spiders and insects). In four-limbed vertebrates all four appendages are commonly called legs, but in bip
The pubic bones, which connect the front of the pelvis, also anchor the five inner thigh muscles. The leg bone angles out from the knee and has a neck that turns in towards the pelvis with a ball on the end that sits into the cup in the hip called the acetabulum. Human birth is fa...
They help us do a lot of things.Bones protect your body. Your skullprotects your brain. You have 12 pairs of ribs(肋骨) around the middle of your body toprotect your heart, lungs, and other organs.Bones support the body and help us move.Hip bones and leg bones let us stand up....
Which mammal has the most ear bones? How many muscles in a cat's ear? How many bones fuse in adulthood to form the hip bone? How many bones are in a frog leg? How many lumbar vertebrae do humans have? How many organs are in the human body?
What bones are present in the leg?Types of bonesLong bones are bones with a length longer than their width. They have a shaft and two ends. They play an important role in mobility. Sesamoid bones are bones that are found in a tendon or ligament. They often act as a pulley point for...
We did not include images where (i) one leg was not wholly imaged, (ii) hip or knee replacements were present, or (iii) search failures due to other severe abnormalities. We show distributions of the lengths of the bones and angles at the hip and knee for both males and females. The...
Major Bones of the Skeletal System and Their Functions The human skeleton creates structure, provides connection and support for muscles, protection for organs and contains bone marrow, which produces red blood cells. Bone formation begins in the embryonic stage and humans reach peak bone mass during...
2.Any of the bones in a skeleton, such as the femur in the leg of a mammal. The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. ...