Recent evidence demonstrates that bisphosphonates increases bone mineral density (BMD) in the vast majority of patients, so that routine monitoring after initiation of bisphosphonates is not be warranted. Investigators performed a secondary analysis of data from the Fracture Intervention Trial using a mixe...
which might explain the reduced18F-FDG uptake in tibiae of our cold-exposed mice. However, histomorphometry of proximal and distal tibiae revealed no differences in adipocyte density or BM adiposity between the three groups (Supplementary Fig.4A–D)...
ECM composition and matrix geometry and stiffness, as well as cell density and position, are all controllable parameters in bioprinted 3D scaffolds, supporting cellular proliferation, migration, phenotype development, and matrix and biochemical factor production [16]. 3D constructs can ac...
Here we report the identification of human CD66b−CD64dimCD115− neutrophil-committed progenitor cells (NCPs) within the SSCloCD45dimCD34+ and CD34dim/− subsets in the bone marrow. NCPs were either CD45RA+ or CD45RA−, and in vitro experiments s
Cell cultures were seeded at a density of 1.5 × 104 cells in six-well plates and grown in Low Glucose DMEM medium (EuroClone, Milan, Italy) containing 10% FBS (Euro-Clone, Italy) and 3 ng/mL of b-FGF (Prepotech, London, UK), 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Microgem, Naples, Italy),...