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We are really living in a crazy world 2025! The show just goes on! *** How do I know this? I, like you, was as a child 70 years ago told at school that nuclear weapons killed mostly civilian people 1945. Examples are Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, 1945, with no military soldiers...
"(Campbell) purposely kept a low profile by anonymously losing himself in the vastness of the desert southwest immediatly after being mustered out of the Army at the end of World War II. He basically disappeared as quickly as possible, or at least it has been intimated, because of charges...
Grey Bird is an early design of Bomb, who was one of the three birds shown in the original loading screen for Angry Birds. The loading screen design shows him being a much larger bird with three black crests on his head, and another three pointy black feathers for his tail. He has ...
My guess is that the putty was blown way out of proportion in the police report and the media. They need SOMETHING to explain their reaction, after all. Why is it that the world goes crazy when they see an exposed breadboard? They were shown them throughout the 90’s during the put-...
Fun fact: Screenwriter John Gatins was the star ofLEPRECHAUN 3: LEPRECHAUN IN LAS VEGAS.If you have the stones to stand up to Warwick Davis, you too can one day write one of the best movies of the year! 7. LINCOLN In a year where every last one of us was sick to death of politic...