Bomb and the other members of the flock manage to defeat Nigel and free all of the rare birds, and hijack the plane and go back to Piggy Island, where they arrive just in time to save the eggs from being stolen by the pigs once again. Bomb and the other birds later on travel back...
and fans went crazy over the game, Genesis was growing ever more popular, and Sonic 2 was — and still is — the highest selling Sega game ever made, selling 6 million copies as of June 2006. Also in 1992 Sega released theSega CD(called Mega-CD in all other regions except North Ameri...
I’m interested in the idea that they were trying to build a smaller bomb meant to open the cockpit door. Intuitively that makes more sense to me–bringing down a plane over the Atlantic is, in a post-9/11 world, small potatoes compared to the damage one can do at the controls. If ...
it becomes impossible to know whether or not you’re getting good information. I won’t say “torture doesn’t work” in the strictest sense – I’m pretty sure if I knew where the diamonds were, I’d give up the info pretty quick to keep whatever’s left of my teeth...
AssInAss Breaking Jeff SFMT Run! 10 years ago beard_of_zeus Definitely going to pick this up on the PSN today. It seems crazy how much the different plane parts change your playstyle. Didn't even realize there was a PS3 version until today, very cool that it's cross-buy. Probably ...
My guess is that the putty was blown way out of proportion in the police report and the media. They need SOMETHING to explain their reaction, after all. Why is it that the world goes crazy when they see an exposed breadboard? They were shown them throughout the 90’s during the put-...
It reminds me of a scheme that Delta Force came up with during the Tehran US Embassy hostage crisis. One of their ideas was to put a bunch of pigs in a plane with parachutes and drop them all over the embassy. The pigs running around would cause the guards to panic and be distracting...
The game opens up with Carl at theFrancis International AirportinLiberty City. He passes his luggage through the scanner, and proceeds to the plane. The game then cuts to his arrival in San Andreas. A police car pulls the taxi Carl is traveling in over, and the officers inside drag Carl...
Under Roebuck's command, the group are expected to advance through a swamp in order to take the airfield on Peleliu. Along the path through the swamp, the group find the wreckage of an AmericanP-51 Mustangplane and several living soldiers who had previously found the wreck. One of the sol...