Design components that are stored in an Altium Managed Content Server are referred to as managed components. As well as delivering full revision history and lifecycle management, another strength of using a Managed Content Server is that it allows the design component to be coupled to the supply ...
cdxgen is a CLI tool, library, REPL, and server to create a valid and compliant CycloneDX Bill of Materials (BOM) containing an aggregate of all project dependencies in JSON format. CycloneDX is a full-stack BOM specification that is easily created, human and machine-readable, and simple to...
Imagine you are working on two different modules within a project,ModuleAandModuleB, both depending on the same library,LibraryX. However,ModuleArequiresLibraryXversion 1.2, whileModuleBneedsLibraryXversion 1.4 for its additional features. When you try to build your proje...
Design components stored in a Workspace are referred to as Workspace Library components. As well as delivering full revision history and lifecycle management, another strength of using a Workspace is that it allows the design component to be coupled to the supply chain in real-time. This mapping...
OpenBOM will track who changed what and when and will allow you to access this full history infinitely. Item Revisions Item revisions are the most basic form of change management in OpenBOM. They are used to capture an item data snapshot (including BOM) and provide you with a baseline ...
电子元器件 电容器 电阻器 RC网络 电容器 固定电容器 陶瓷电容器 钽电容器 阵列/网络电容器 薄膜电容器 铝电解电容器 特殊电容器 可变电容器 云母电容器 其他电容器 玻璃电容器 双电层电容器 纸电容器 电阻器 固定电阻器 薄膜电阻器 非线性电阻器 阵列/网络电阻器 金属膜电阻器 线绕电阻器 金属釉/厚膜电阻...
InvoiceType_IN Enumeration [AX 2012] ISOCurrencyCodes Enumeration [AX 2012] ISRConceptCategory_MX Enumeration [AX 2012] ISRCreditDebit_MX Enumeration [AX 2012] ItemAccount Enumeration [AX 2012] ItemCalcType Enumeration [AX 2012] ItemCust Enumeration [AX 2012] ItemDimFormLetter Enumeration [AX 2012...
信息技术、测试及安全设备 个人防护设备和工作服 工地安全 个人防护设备和工作服 耳部保护 眼睛和面部保护 手部保护 手臂和膝盖保护 工作服 安全鞋类 头部防护 坠落防护 呼吸保护 反光工作服 一次性工作服 工地安全 溢出控制 消防安全 急救 安全标志 安全地板 交通管理和人群控制 上锁挂牌 办公用品 安全配件和五金制...
With development of information technology and the proposal of intelligent manufacturing, BOM has performed growing key role in the production and manufacturing. Product data is gradually organized and managed through BOM, the concept of the full life cycle BOM was proposed to form various BOM type ...