Capability to identify obsolescence and shortage issues and generate compliance reports Ability to replace high-risk parts with form-fit-function alternatives Capacity to track lead time, inventory, pricing, lifecycle status, cost avoidance, and shortage patterns or trends Notifications on par...
电子元器件 电容器 电阻器 RC网络 电容器 固定电容器 陶瓷电容器 钽电容器 阵列/网络电容器 薄膜电容器 铝电解电容器 特殊电容器 可变电容器 云母电容器 其他电容器 玻璃电容器 双电层电容器 纸电容器 电阻器 固定电阻器 薄膜电阻器 非线性电阻器 阵列/网络电阻器 金属膜电阻器 线绕电阻器 金属釉/厚膜电阻...
FormLookupButton Enumeration [AX 2012] FormMode Enumeration [AX 2012] FormOpenMode Enumeration [AX 2012] FormStatusBarStyle Enumeration [AX 2012] FormTextType Enumeration [AX 2012] FormTop Enumeration [AX 2012] FormTreeItemStatus Enumeration [AX 2012] FormWidth Enumeration [AX 2012] FormWindowResi...
./sbom-utility validate -i test/cyclonedx/1.6/cdx-1-6-valid-cbom-full-1.6.json --force[INFO] Attempting to load and unmarshal data from: 'test/cyclonedx/1.6/cdx-1-6-valid-cbom-full-1.6.json'.....
cdxgen is a CLI tool, library, REPL, and server to create a valid and compliant CycloneDX Bill of Materials (BOM) containing an aggregate of all project dependencies in JSON format. CycloneDX is a full-stack BOM specification that is easily created, human and machine-readable, and simple to...
信息技术、测试及安全设备 个人防护设备和工作服 工地安全 个人防护设备和工作服 耳部保护 眼睛和面部保护 手部保护 手臂和膝盖保护 工作服 安全鞋类 头部防护 坠落防护 呼吸保护 反光工作服 一次性工作服 工地安全 溢出控制 消防安全 急救 安全标志 安全地板 交通管理和人群控制 上锁挂牌 办公用品 安全配件和五金制...
物料需求计划 MRP2 ---SABS 上海汽车制动系统公司 BOM 表实例 引言:MRP简介 MRP的效益 第一节:什么是 ERP(MRP) 第二节:ERP 的特点 第三节:实施 ERP 的效益和成功关键 第四节:CIMS 的成功范例 第五节:我对 MRP2 与丰田管理模式(JIT)的比较 第六节:MRPII 与 JIT 的结合 国内企业案例 第七...
Full Member means any person who is in one of the categories of membership referred to in Rule 10.3. Associate Member means a person appointed to perform specific statutory and non-statutory duties which have been delegated by the Trust Board for them to perform and these duties have been reco...
Fathers are really special in our lives but how often do we show our love to them? Gifts for Dads are a really cool way to appreciate the guiding light of our lives. Whatever p... All You Need to Know About Flight Jackets Flight jackets have been around in the industry for almost a...
OpenBOM helps manufacturers of cars, components used in the automotive industry, and different transportation equipment. It includes managing the design lifecycle for CAD files, capturing full product structure, and managing changes. The complexity of the automotive industry is skyrocketing. Companies need...