Interest in Boeing's 777X, a revamped version of its biggest wide-body set to begin deliveries in 2020, is flagging. And in recent weeks, United Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. together have scratched 41 orders for the Airbus A350-1000, a twin-aisle plane designed to carry about...
空客A350 这是空客公司05年开始研制,13年首飞,14年交付启动客户卡航的一款新世纪抗衡787的中大型双通道客机。 (其中A358已经取消生产计划)当时空客其实是用A350瞄准777的,现在不高不低刚好卡在777和787之间,现在主要还是和787直接竞争,等到777X面世,A35K可以勉强与之匹敌,787-10体量只能和A359相论。 【对航空公司...
[14] Boeing dropped the variants' "X" suffix, while keeping the 777X program name at the 2015 Dubai Airshow.[15] 参考译文:2013年9月18日,汉莎航空成为波音777-9X的首个订单客户,选择了34架该型号飞机,并选购了25架空客A350-900来替代其22架747-400和48架A340-300/600用于远程航班。2013年11月的...
Sales of the Boeing 777X and Airbus A350-1000 are weak as cheap fuel lets carriers keep flying older planes For the better part of a decade, the skies have grown increasingly hostile to jumbo jets such as Boeing Co.'s 747 and Airbus SE's A380. Now the fuel-effici......
777X 777-8 16 110 350 375 371,0 777-9 14 075 400 425 400,0 --- --- --- --- --- 787 787-8 13 620 242 359 224,6 787-9 14 140 290 406 264,6 787-10 11 910 330 440 306,1 Rodina Typ Dolet [km] Obvyklá kapacita Maximální kapacita Cena [mil. USD] A320 A318 5...
波音777X:全球航空界的革新巨擘 波音777X系列,作为波音777家族的新成员,包括777-8X和777-9X两种型号,被波音誉为全球范围内最大、最具效率的双引擎喷气客机。它的设计灵感源自787梦想飞机,搭载了创新的GE9X发动机,复合材料机翼以及可折叠翼设计,直指空客A350 XWB这一主要竞争对手。777-9X原型机的...
Rolls-Royce obtained the same exclusivity for the A350, pushing P&W out of the widebody engine market and precipitating its narrowbody comeback with the PW1000G.[77] 参考译文:发动机选择过程让人想起了20世纪90年代末为777-200LR/300ER提供动力的竞争,这场竞争塑造了随后几年的涡轮风扇市场。劳斯莱斯...
Qatar Airways said it had ordered 20 more Boeing 777-9 planes, expanding its order book for the U.S. manufacturer's 777X family of jets to almost 100. Sponsored Bank Accounts The deal, worth almost $4 billion according to Cirium Ascend estimates, was already listed in Boeing's ...
vs. Airbus A350is a different battle. Both aircraft lines have become flagships of each respective firm, and the winner in the future will determine who builds the most premium aircraft. Airbus has so far impressed airlines with its A350 series, but that may change with the777X on the ...
A350 Boeing 777X Guest kasarokcaesar Oct 24, 2022 Wonderful event and topics discussed, hopefully we see the manifestations in our African airline businesses in the nearest future. Kudos to you all. Like Reply Guest Nov 11, 2022 Hi, I'm Lucy. Please how do I embark on my travel/ tour...