飞行员的指令通过穿过机身和机翼的钢索传递给连接在控制面上的液压助力器,而不是像空客A320或波音777等较新设计中的电气飞控系统那样通过电缆传输[126]。 The primary flight controls have mechanical backups. In the event of total hydraulic system failure or double engine failure, they will automatically and...
南航(AIRBUS-A320),南航(BOEING-777)【共两台】: 南航(AIRBUS-A320),南航(BOEING-777)【共两台】,早期合金航模,制作静美,严谨,品相自定免纠纷,非常难得。【聚兴隆古玩店】【7788音像】
FlightFactor had a feature that opened and closed the cabin window blinds, personally I didn't like it, as I like to look out of the aircraft from the cabin perspective, when looking out, and then down came the blind... It's back on the 777 v2, but you can also turn the ...
参考译文:2018年初发布的概念设计采用了类似于737 MAX的尾锥、大型787/777X尺寸的客舱窗户、类似于757/767/777的挡风玻璃、767-200的门布局和短发动机进气口。[45]由于A320/A330的投资已经摊销,A321LR或A330neo可以以更低的成本提供;NMA必须显著降低燃油和维护成本。空中客车公司可以采用A321延伸型号或全新的设计,...
11月28日的哥伦比亚航空A320因左发故障而中断起飞并紧急撤离的现场视频 2024-11-29 合集·拍机合集· 10 播放全部查看更多 247 01:52 [哥本哈根] A380她终于来啦!一次比较简短的拍机 02-01 828 03:16 北欧小国首都的机场的日常->窄体机的日常 2024-12-21 213 01:58 在城区里也能拍机---DHC6水上飞机...
The market prefers the A320 over the 737. The 777X is viewed as a product for the ME carriers. The 787-8 is essentially dead. The 787-10 doesn’t cimpete with the A350-900. The 787-9 is coming under extreme price pressure from the A330neo, and in the future the A350-900 as ...
Of course, most narrowbodies today are from the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 family. The A320 family has now sold the most aircraft of any type, although the 737 is still ahead for deliveries. To distinguish the two, you can rely on the Airbus vs. Boeing window differences and the more ...
Boeing Airliners The success of the 707 made Boeing the leader in commercial airliners, and led to a popular family of jetliners introduced over the years: the 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, and the 787. One can spot a Boeing jet airliner in nearly any airport in the world. The...
Gulf neighbour and rival Etihad has inked a deal for 8 777-8s and 17 777-9s. Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific, Lufthansa and ANA have all opted for the larger 777-9 alone with orders. The X factor The latest addition to Boeing's best-selling 777 family, the 777X is being spruiked as...