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【参考译文】不要与“波音747SR”混淆。 0. 概述[1] 0.1 文字说明[1] 波音747SP(Boeing 747SP),又称为747-100SP,是美国航空器制造商波音公司所出品的大型商用机系列波音747底下的一种亚型。其命名中的“SP”是“特殊性能”(Special Performance)的缩写,是因应超长程飞行而将机身缩短(较747-100/200/300...
The National Transportation Safety Board said an improperly installed borescope plug led to a January engine fire on an Atlas Air Boeing 747. Maintenance on the aircraft was performed just four days before the incident. On Jan. 18,Atlas Airflight 3885 was flying between ...
Engine Type:CF6-50E2 Thrust Rating:51800 lbs Type C of A:Standard Transport Manufacture Date:1985 WEIGHT and FUEL Last Weigh Date:07-Apr-11 Max. T/O Weight:377842 kg Max. Taxi Weight:379203 kg Max. Zero Fuel Weight:267619 kg Max. Landing Weight:285762 kg Actual Weight:156612 kg BEW C...
Thrust would rise to 72,000 lbf (320 kN) for better takeoff performance, with the Trent 600 or the General Electric/Pratt & Whitney Engine Alliance GP7172, also offered on the 747X. Range would increase by 525 nmi (950 km; 604 mi) to 6,150 nmi (11,390 km; 7,080 mi), with an...
A/C Type & Model:B747-200F Engine Type:CF6-50E2 Thrust Rating:51800 lbs Type C of A:Standard Transport Manufacture Date:1985 WEIGHT and FUEL Last Weigh Date:07-Apr-11 Max. T/O Weight:377842 kg Max. Taxi Weight:379203 kg Max. Zero Fuel Weight:267619 kg ...
Washington. This factory is the largest building ever built. Pratt and Whitney developed a massive high-bypass turbofan engine, the JT9D , that was, in the beginning, exclusively for the 747. To appease concerns about the safety and flyability of such a massive aircraft, the 747 was designed...
中等/大图/全尺寸BackForward Like Boeing 747-400 (LX-WCV) 提交时间:6 年以前 73of LX-WCV35747ofB744518atLHBP Tamas Pataki Comments 日期机型始发地目的地出发到达飞行时间 2025年 03月 11日B744Turkmenbashi附近First seen 23:36+05在途中 2025年 03月 11日B744香港國際機場(HKG / VHHH)Turkmenaba...
You can no longer buy a ticket on any US airline to fly on a Boeing 747. With this retirement, Americans say farewell to the “Queen of the Skies.”
For your next Qatar Airways flight, use this seating chart to get the most comfortable seats, legroom, and recline on .