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参考译文:45,000磅力(200千牛顿)的推力是20世纪60年代第一代高涵道比涡轮风扇的典型代表:GE CF6用于道格拉斯DC-10,劳斯莱斯RB211用于洛克希德三星,普惠JT9D用于波音747。随着飞机和其动力需求的增加,这个市场很快被抛在了后面,留下了用于波音757的RB211(直到2005年),或用于波音C-17的普惠PW2000。新技术使得涵道比...
The project was cancelled in 1966 in favor of the newer Boeing 747.[49]参考译文:707-620是波音707-320B的国内远程版本。707-620可以搭载约200名乘客,同时保留了707-320B的多个方面。预计在1968年左右交付,也是波音对道格拉斯DC-8 Series 60的回应。如果707-620得以建造,其成本约为800万美元。然而,工程师...
Like Boeing 747-400 (LX-WCV) 提交时间:6 年以前 73of LX-WCV35747ofB744518atLHBP Tamas Pataki Comments 日期机型始发地目的地出发到达飞行时间 2025年 03月 11日B744Turkmenbashi附近First seen 23:36+05在途中 2025年 03月 11日B744香港國際機場(HKG / VHHH)Turkmenabat (Chardzhou)附近16:51HKTL...
Boeing 747-121 RA001, City of Everett, 9 February 1969. A Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6, N8686F, is the chase plane, flown by test pilot Paul Bennett. (Boeing/The Seattle Times) The Boeing 747 is a very large swept wing, four engine commercial transport. The 747-100 series was the ...
Boeing 747,B-747,Widebody,Twin Aisle,Wide Body,airplane,aircraft,plane,Fanjet,Jetliner,Jumbo Jet,Giant,Four Engine,Long Range,Fixed wing multi engine,Turbofan,wide-body,PIA,Pakistan International Airlines,Plane,Avion,History,Technology,Fleet,Livery,Equipment,hull,Public,Airframe,Transport,Fixed-Wing,Com...
1966Boeing, Pan Am and Pratt and Whitney initiate the development of the JT9D engine for the 747. 30 September 1968The first 747 was rolled out of the Everett plant in front of the press. 09 February 1969The Boeing 747 made its maiden flight which had very pleasing results. ...
Seat Maps Airlines Cheap Flights Comparison Charts Rental Cars Guru Tips Boeing 787-8 (788) Layout 1 There are 2 versions of this aircraft. Check Version Do you know this plane? Seating detailsSeat map key Pitch/ Bed LengthWidthSeating details ...
Boeing has taken another huge step in the continuing evolution of the world's most recognized jetliner, the 747. The 747-400ER Family -- available in both passenger and freighter versions -- provides the same size as current 747-400s, and offers an even more unbeatable combination of payload...
United Airlines UAL, Boeing 747, B-747, Widebody, Twin Aisle, Wide Body, airplane, aircraft, Fanjet, Jetliner, Jumbo Jet, Giant, Four Engine, Long Range, Plane