【参考译文】在2018年和2019年,两架波音737 MAX窄体客机相继坠毁,共造成346人死亡,无人生还。作为回应,全球航空监管机构和航空公司停飞了所有737 MAX飞机,共计387架。[34] 波音公司的声誉、业务和财务评级在飞机停飞后受到重创,因为波音公司的战略、治理以及对利润和成本效率的关注受到了质疑。[35][36][37] 在2022...
Photo Credit: A Boeing 737 Max. Anna Zvereva/Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons / Anna ZverevaDon’t miss this podcast:Up Next Hotels How Data Quality Issues Impact Global Hospitality Operations There are wide discrepancies in data quality for hotel transactions across global regions, with the...
Automation has made planes safer and more efficient, but the crashes of two Boeing 737 Max jets is leading some to wonder if there is a dangerous flip side. While advanced autopilots and computers are now considered an integral part of any modern jet...
参考译文:2012年,波音正在开发737 MAX和准备推出787-10,为了降低风险,波音决定放慢777X的开发速度,但仍计划在2019年推出。2013年5月1日,波音董事会批准从2021年开始销售353座的777-8LX,以取代777-300ER,而大型的406座-9X将先于其推出。 The design work is distributed between Charleston, Huntsville, Long ...
英文-索马里文字典 wiki 显示算法生成的翻译 将“boeing"自动翻译成 索马里文 Boeing iyo Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 具有替代拼写的翻译 Boeingproper (aviation) An American aerospace company, which created many commercial airplanes.[..]
The Boeing 737 MAX crashes and the grounding of the plane On October 29th, 2018, Lion Air Flight 610 took off from Soekarno–Hatta International Airport (CGK), bound for Depati Amir Airport (PGK). Just 13 minutes into the flight, the Boeing 737 MAX 8 lost control and crashed into the ...
Wikimedia Commons/Clemens Vasters/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ Share this story With whistleblower revelations and amassing safety incidents plaguing Boeing’s aircraft fleet, some travelers are taking the “If it's Boeing, I’m not going” phrase to heart. Alternative Airline...
Indonesian 737 Max 8 - Splashed Most reports I've seen mention the aircraft had an 'undisclosed issue' before take-off. Does anyone know what that was? Surely the crew was in contact and reporting something during the relatively long disaster. Keith Cress kcress - http://www.flaminsystems...
American Airlines has exactly 100 of the aircraft on order. Photo: Bro Dude52 via Wikimedia Have you flown on a Boeing 737 MAX? What were your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.Subscribe to our newsletter Comments Share Tweet Share Share Share Share Copy Email Link copied to...
All Boeing 737 MAX aircraft are currently grounded due to safety concerns. Photo: Wikimedia. This had lead to questions regarding how the aircraft was allowed to fly in the first place. In particular, how the FAA issued it with the same type rating, when clearly something new had been buil...