参考译文:2015年8月13日,第一架737 MAX机身在堪萨斯州威奇托市的Spirit航空公司完成了组装,用于测试飞机,最终将交付给启动客户西南航空公司。[32] 2015年12月8日,第一架737 MAX - 名为Renton精神的MAX 8 - 在波音Renton工厂推出。[33][34][35] Because GKN could not produce the titanium honeycomb inner ...
最新一代的737 MAX,即737-7/8/9/10 MAX,采用了改进的CFM LEAP-1B高旁通比涡扇发动机,可容纳138至204人,于2017年投入使用。Boeing Business Jet版本自737NG以来就开始生产,还有军用型号。 波音737是民航界史上最畅销的客机之一[5],主要生产线是在华盛顿州的波音伦顿厂房。许多航空公司订购737,来取代旧式的707...
Boeing took a calculated risk and were tragically wrong as far as the 737 Max redesign. Every transportation business faces a cost - benefit analysis in the production of their vehicles, The government is charged with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of these vehicles prior to certifying...
MaintenanceManual-Yassir.netBoeing737AircraftMaintenanceManualDirectDownloadspeed4787Kb/s boeing737-wikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia-theaircraftisinspectedbymaintenancepersonnelWithmodern avionics,Ryanairandothershavealsoplacedfirmordersfor737MAXaircraft.Boeing
Lion Air Boeing 737 MAX 8. Source: Wikipedia. Boeing’s 737 AOA sensors and how it affects the aircraft We have read the Boeing bulletin, what has been issued from the Indonesian crash investigators and the FAA, and what has been discussed in media. Below, we try to bring...
Indonesian 737 Max 8 - Splashed Most reports I've seen mention the aircraft had an 'undisclosed issue' before take-off. Does anyone know what that was? Surely the crew was in contact and reporting something during the relatively long disaster. Keith Cress kcress - http://www.flaminsystems...
The Boeing 737 MAX aircraft represents the fourth generation of the Boeing 737. Photo: Wikipedia. With all these aircraft sitting on the ground, the impact to their owners is going to be significant. Let's assume that one aircraft can carry 180 passengers and airlines operate that plane on ...
November 8, 2020 No different really than EASA having to test the MAX in Canada rather than the US. Chinese crews don’t want to go to Europe and risk quarantine coming back. But there is a solution if Airbus crews fly to China, they don’t have to risk quarantine. So a hiccup mayb...
Landing runway length (at max landing wt) 4,800 ft (1,463 m) 5,080 ft (1,585 m) Cruising speed .81 Mach Maximum speed .90 Mach Range fully loaded 2700 NM (5000 km) 2400 NM (4450 km) Max. fuel capacity 8,186 US gal (31,000 L) 9,806 US gal (37,020 L) Engines (3x) ...
Looking at sales, the Boeing 737 held the crown for the longest time as the best selling commercial aircraft and wasonly eclipsed by the Airbus A320 in the last year. Deliveries of each aircraft type. Chart:Javier Irastorza Mediavilla via Wikipedia ...