Physical level: migraine, headaches, dizziness, nausea, frequent sighing, bitterness in the mouth, gall bladder problems, yellow skin/ eyes, ear diseases, pain in jaw/ outer corner of the eyes, hip problems Emotional & mental level: resentment, bitterness, indecisiveness, mental illness Sleep &...
touch. Then i started to have burning during urination. in addition to that, when i wiped i had pink on the toilet paper. I have been trying the monistate for 2 days. However, when i use the medication the itching is worse to the point where it is almost unbearable. is this normal...
The human body is colonized by different microbial population from early neonatal state, during childhood and further changes throughout the lifespan depending upon the life style and diseased condition (Johnson and Versalovic2012). The community composition and density of a microbiome varies enormously...
Allergies And Infections – Stay Protected Difference between allergies and infections Allergies and infections are pretty common among people. Different people are allergic to different things. While some are allergic to food items such as nuts, eggs and dairy products, others are allergic to differen...
Gestational diabetesDevelops during pregnancy and usually resolves post-birth. Symptoms can be subtle but may include increased thirst, frequent urination, and tiredness. Risk factors include being over 40, BMI over 30, or having a family history of diabetes. It’s diagnosed via an oral glucose ...
High levels of glucose in the blood can cause fungal infections, which can cause itching in the vulva. If the symptoms are not long, Also, with thirst, blurred vision, extreme fatigue, and frequent urination (especially at night), this is probably type 2 diabetes mellitus. Other factors to...
2. The gas shortage cannot lead to bladder and bladder sphincter combined in cells is easy to metabolism and cause death relaxation, urination condition is not good, frequent urination, long after the cells slowly necrosis, finally urinary incontinence. 3. See what is called the visual part of...
Sister have been faced problem with frequent UTI after her marriage till before 1 year.but past 11 months she didn't have any problem.she underwent IVf treatment before 2 months but it became failed.past 2 months she has been felt burning sensation after passing urine.What could be the reas...
On about day 7 after surgery, I applied A&D ointment (lanoline based) on my incisions for itching and this pain stopped. Ever since then, I no longer have this burning but I do not know if it was cured by the ointment or healing time. After a couple of days I did not use the ...
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