通过Bode图判断稳定性,主要观察增益裕度和相位裕度。若增益裕度大于0dB,且相位裕度大于180°,则系统稳定。 如何通过Bode图判断稳定性 Bode图的基本概念与组成 Bode图,也称为伯德图,是频率响应的一种图形表示方法,广泛应用于线性时不变系统(LTI)的稳定性和性能分析。它由两个主要...
A Bode plot is a graph used in control system engineering to determine the stability of a control system. Combined with the Gain Margin and Phase Margin, a Bode plot maps the frequency response of ...
伯德图是频率响应的一种图形表示方法,常用于分析线性时不变系统(Linear Time-Invariant, LTI)的稳定性和性能。它由两个图组成:幅频特性图(Magnitude Plot)和相频特性图(Phase Plot)。幅频图表示系统增益(通常用分贝表示)与对数频率的关系,而相频图表示系统...
增益余量(gain margin)是指:相位为0时所对应的增益大小,以分贝(dB)为单位来表示(图2)。 穿越频率(crossover frequency)是指:增益曲线穿越0dB时的频率点(图2)。 相位余量的作用是确保在一定条件下(包括元器件的误差、输入电压变化、负载变化、温升等)系统都能够稳定,使用在标称输入额定负载室温下,要有45度的余量...
A Bode plot makes it easy to determine the phase and gain margins: Phase and gain margins are important for determining system stability (the more margin, the better) Testing closed loop response with an oscilloscope: Inject a disturbance voltage into the loop ...
The Bode plot is a popular tool with control system engineers because it lets them achieve desired closed loop system performance by graphically shaping the open loop frequency response using clear and easy-to-understand rules. In addition, engineers can easily see the gain margin and phase margin...
英文单词“product”在这里翻译为“乘积”的意思,也就是GBWP表示的是开环增益(open loop gain)与频率的乘积。而且,开环增益从某点开始,是一条以“每10倍频率下降20dB增益”的曲线。 那么,运放开环增益到底什么样?我们画这条曲线,要用到Bode Plot(波特图)。
(自动控制原理英文课件)Chapter4Bode Plot.ppt,* Gain Margin Based on the forgoing discussions, the physical significance of gain margin can be summarized as: Gain margin is the amount of gain in decibels (dB) that can be added to the loop before the close