Hi all, I've spent some time experimenting with the BNNS (Accelerate) LSTM-related APIs lately and despite a distinct lack of documentation (even though the headers have quite a few) a got most things to a point where IthinkI know what's going on and I get the expected results. Howeve...
The number of elements in the input. iOS 14.0–18.0DeprecatediPadOS 14.0–18.0DeprecatedMac Catalyst 14.0–18.0DeprecatedmacOS 11.0–15.0DeprecatedtvOS 14.0–18.0DeprecatedvisionOS 1.0–2.0DeprecatedwatchOS 7.0–11.0Deprecated var input_size: Int
var seq_len: Int Discussion If you set this value to a nonzero value that doesn’t match the corresponding array descriptor’s size, BNNS throws an error.Current page is seq_len Apple Developer Documentation Platforms iOS iPadOS macOS tvOS visionOS watchOS Tools Swift SwiftUI Swift Playg...
😂😂😂 爸爸:明天是你离开我们一周年忌日,一晃就是一年!再时没有能好好陪伴尽孝是我一生的内疚,如今你已归于尘土,目之所及,皆是回忆!心之所想,皆是遗憾!来日再无方长,一别再无归期!人间再无父爱问冷暖。从此只能在梦里来相见,你长眠我常念,愿你在天堂一切安好!儿子跪地叩拜!儿子想你了老爸。😂...
Compared to the SARIMA-GARCH model, the proposed LSTM-BNN model outperforms in predicting both the mean and interval of the traffic flow. Especially, the experiments show that the LSTM-BNN model is superior during the daytime and under non-seasonal traffic conditions. The proposed LSTM-BNN ...