2025宝马M4 Competition:解析 菇凉我要换车 宝马2024,真正的第一不是商业加法,而是让懂的人看到创新价值 汽车十三行 宝马M4 G82全段排气改装,声浪大升级 车之炫Tommy吴A 蓝石M4四驱,质感超赞,驾驶体验棒极了 汽车爱科技 BMW M4 G82 Decat Valvetronic排气升级 商旅车之声 最爱车型大揭秘!各具特色,超赞...
BMW M4 CS 黑色蓝宝石:独特魅力与性能的完美融合 行车车品 2025宝马M4 Competition:解析 菇凉我要换车 碧玺灰M4驾乘体验分享 萌妹子聊车 M4追不上迈巴赫后排的轻松笑声 玩车专家I 夜城宝马M4 Competition:4K激情驾驭体验 八月说车 宝马G82 M4:粉丝热议新车,超酷 阿楠看车 宝马M4 R750儿童玩具车,天蝎...
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第一视角 2022 BMW 宝马 M4 Competition xDrive G83 0-250加速 声浪 试驾 1万 5 5:00 App 第一视角 BMW 宝马 M4 M- Performance Parts+MPE 0-100&100-200 km/h 加速 试驾 8895 1 5:12 App 试驾最新款宝马M4! 676 -- 0:44 App 宝马M3 M4 G82 G80 天蝎AK 中尾段声浪展示 3.2万 64 8:52...
Stylish streetwear brand KITH goes all-in with BMW to collaborate on an exclusive high-performance sports coupe. Discover the BMW M4 Competition x Kith.
車尾處黑色高光澤廠徽底座與以銀色包圍的M4 Competition車型銘牌,點出全新BMW M4 Competition與眾不同的精緻細節;而最吸引車迷的莫過於承襲夢幻車款BMW M4 CSL獨有的BMW雷射尾燈,引人注目的線條紋理交織於玻璃外罩中。標準配備的前19後20吋黑色M雙輻式826 M型鍛造輪圈,為爆發力十足的全新BMW M4 Competition車款...
featuring the iconic BMW COMPETITION logo, is a perfect fit for BMW enthusiasts looking to personalize their vehicles with a touch of luxury and sportiness. Whether you own an M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, X3M, X4M, X5M, X6M, or any other BMW model, this sticker is a versati...
BMW M系列的性能典范—宝马M4 Competition 搭载M TwinPower Turbo技术的直列六缸发动机,配备8速M ...
带M xDrive的BMW M4竞赛敞篷车:375 kW / 510 hp,加速度[0 – 100 km / h(62 mph)]:3.7秒,油耗总计:在WLTP循环中为10.2 l / 100 km [27.7 mpg imp]。总的CO2排放量:WLTP中为233 – 231 g / km。 带M xDrive的BMW M4 Competition敞篷车为M开创了全轮驱动的高性能敞篷跑车,为M开辟了新天地。独...
BMW M3 & BMW M4. Reborn with more power than ever, the M3 and M4 Competition models generate up to 500 hp. For the first time in history, they are available with the M xDrive all-wheel drive system allowing for maximum handling and dynamics on the racing circuit and everyday roads. ...