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BMW M系列的性能典范—宝马M4 Competition 搭载M TwinPower Turbo技术的直列六缸发动机,配备8速M ...
brilliant images, spectacular videos and fascinating background stories on the BMW of your choice. And of course that’s where you’ll also find details on design, equipment options, services and technologies of the all-new BMW M4 Competition Convertible with M xDrive and BMW M440i xDr...
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BMW M4 convertible : CO2 emissions combined233–232 g/km (WLTP) Fuel consumption10,3 l/100 km CO2 ClassG The BMW M4 Competition Convertible with M xDrive allows you to enjoy typical M performance combined with a stylish open-air feeling. Its high-quality panel bow convertible top combines ...
这款BMW M4 Competition以其墨绿色的车身 这款BMW M4 Competition以其墨绿色的车身涂装展现出别具一格的奢华感,是否已让你心动不已? 从每一个细节中,都能感受到它散发出的不凡气质与精致工艺。 无论是流畅的车身线条,还是精致的内饰设计,都彰显了BMW品牌的卓越品质。