Web 2016 BMW 328i xDrive on Continental DWS 06+ Tires - POV Test Drive 价格: $49,495(原时价) 引擎: 2.0L 4缸涡轮增压汽油机动力: 240 hp 扭矩: 255 lb-ft 变速器: 8-Speed Automatic 驱动方式: 四驱应观众留言,发一些F30 328i的视频 ... 展开更多 汽车 汽车生活 跑车 美国 机械 第一视角 ...
相比3系长轴距版符合中国家族对于入门级豪华车的需求,标准轴距版3系列巩固了宝马运动型中级车的霸主地位,尤其是这辆328i xDrive M运动型豪华中型车的战局愈发紧张,尽管3系仍是大多数人心目中的标杆,但后来者们都在虎视眈眈。3系最大的竞争优势是其充分挖掘的本土化战略,标准轴距和长轴距版均实现国产。新宝马3系...
Starting MSRP $57,900 MSRP as shown $61,650 Select i5 Sedan The all-electric sedan that takes the lead on the road to sustainable premium mobility. Starting MSRP $67,100 MSRP as shown $71,750 Select i7 Sedan The all-electric luxury sedan with executive style. ...
Bid for the chance to own a 2012 BMW 328i xDrive Sports Wagon 6-Speed at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online. Lot #109,323.
2014 BMW 328i xDrive Sport WagonVehicle type: front-engine, 4-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 5-door wagon PRICE AS TESTED$47,775 (base price: $42,375) ENGINE TYPEturbocharged and intercooled DOHC 16-valve inline-4, aluminum block and head, direct fuel injectionDisplacement: 122 in3, 1997 cm3...
Hard to believe that BMW Disabled all the relevant and cool features that the car have , before selling to the consumers. But thanks to the genius techs from Bimercode , I am now able to enable and enjoy all the features available in my 328i xdrive, which is a tons!The app with the...
สำหรับ BMW 3 Series F30 F31 F34 F35 G20 G21 G28 318i 320i 328d 328i 330e 330i 335i 340i GT XDrive คู่ยางรถใบที่ปัดน้ำฝนรายการความยาว: 3 (VI) 2010-2021 3 (VI) 2010...
The 2023 BMW 530i xDrive Overview Why are M cars so damn good? Perhaps because they start from such good stock. Namely, a regular BMW. What is a regular BMW, you ask? Used to be cars like theE46 330i, or even the E60 550i – not M cars, but damn good sport sedans. This is...
335i 340i 350i 316d 318d 320d 323d 325d 328d 330d 335d 340d 350d XDrive Product sellpoints Installation Ease:Comes with 3M double-sided tape for a hassle-free, direct stick application. Design & Style:Gloss Black PVC emblems with OEM font for a sleek, modern look on your BMW. ...