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Looks like you missed this one... This vehicle has either been sold or removed by the seller. Don't worry, there are still plenty of vehicles to choose from. View Similar Vehicles 2014 BMW 3 Series 328i xDrive328i xDrive AWD 4dr Sedan SULEV ...
The all-new, rugged SAV that is always ready for adventure. Starting MSRP $41,350 MSRP as shown $43,150 Select X2 Sports Activity Coupe The sporty rebel made for the spirited thrill seeker. Starting MSRP $42,850 MSRP as shown $47,850 ...
运动型Lexus豪华轿车入门级ATS汽车在汽车界里,要找一台车来代表入门级豪华轿车,那3系当选,也是合情合理.这里没有任何吹捧的意思,而是从销量,口碑到媒体评价,几乎一边倒地倒向3系,所以也难怪Cadilac ATS,Lexus IS等都剑指3系,将3系作为其毕生的对手.吴均杰vip汽车杂志...
Bid for the chance to own a 2012 BMW 328i xDrive Sports Wagon 6-Speed at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online. Lot #109,323.
相比3系长轴距版符合中国家族对于入门级豪华车的需求,标准轴距版3系列巩固了宝马运动型中级车的霸主地位,尤其是这辆328i xDrive M运动型豪华中型车的战局愈发紧张,尽管3系仍是大多数人心目中的标杆,但后来者们都在虎视眈眈。3系最大的竞争优势是其充分挖掘的本土化战略,标准轴距和长轴距版均实现国产。新宝马3系...
2014 BMW 328i xDrive Sport WagonVehicle type: front-engine, 4-wheel-drive, 5-passenger, 5-door wagon PRICE AS TESTED$47,775 (base price: $42,375) ENGINE TYPEturbocharged and intercooled DOHC 16-valve inline-4, aluminum block and head, direct fuel injectionDisplacement: 122 in3, 1997 cm3...
The BMW 1M Coupe is a car that proves you don’t need a massive production run to leave a lasting legacy. Produced for just one year in 2011, this compact performance sedan is BMW’s tribute to raw driving pleasure, taking everything enthusiasts love about BMW’s ‘M’ brand and condens...
Web 2016 BMW 328i xDrive on Continental DWS 06+ Tires - POV Test Drive 价格: $49,495(原时价) 引擎: 2.0L 4缸涡轮增压汽油机动力: 240 hp 扭矩: 255 lb-ft 变速器: 8-Speed Automatic 驱动方式: 四驱应观众留言,发一些F30 328i的视频 ... 展开更多 汽车 汽车生活 跑车 美国 机械 第一视角 ...
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