然而,据我们所知,在我们开始这方面的工作时,只有两种LPA1拮抗剂(Figure 1)进入临床试验:(1)用于IPF的BMS-986020(也称为AM-000152;1)和(2)用于系统性硬皮病的SAR100842(目前称为HZN-825;2)。 Figure 1. LPA1 antagonists prev...
BMS-986278的适应症是肺纤维化 此药物由Bristol Myers Squibb Company/ 百时美施贵宝(中国)投资有限公司生产并提出实验申请,[实验的目的] 本研究旨在初步评价BMS-986278在IPF受试者中的疗效,进一步证明BMS-986278的安全性。 文章目录[隐藏] 基本信息 公示的试验信息 基本信息 公示的试验信息 一、题目和背景信息 二...
Ethics and dissemination This study will be conducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidelines, Declaration of Helsinki principles, and local ethical and legal requirements. Results will be reported in a peer-reviewed publication. Trial registration number NCT04308681 ....
BMS-986278 is a novel next generation LPA1 antagonist currently in Phase I clinical trials. BMS-986278 is a potent and complete antagonist of LPA action at LPA1-mediated Gi, Gq, G12, and 尾-arrestin signaling pathways in both cells heterologously expressing human LPA1 and in primary human ...