BMR CALCULATOR Age: MaleFemale Weight (lbs): Height (feet): Height (in): Activity Level:SedentaryLightly activeModerately activeVery activeExtra active ACTIVITY LEVELS -Sedentary: Little or no exercise -Lightly active: Light exercise/sports 1-3 days per week....
To calculate TDEE, you can simply multiply your BMR by an activity factor based on your average daily activity level. The following table shows the activity factor corresponding to various levels of exertion:[5] Factors for various levels of activity ...
Activity level: Embed BMR Calculator Widget About BMR Calculator The BMR Calculator, based on Harris–Benedict equation, lets you estimate your basal metabolic rate – the number of calories per day your body burns and the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight. ...
If you choose to stay in bed all day and perform no physical activity, then your caloric needs would only include the number of calories the body burns to stay alive. Use the BMR calculator below to find an estimated basal metabolic rate by plugging in your age, sex, height, and weight....
Activity level: Embed BMR Calculator WidgetAbout BMR Calculator The BMR Calculator, based on Harris–Benedict equation, lets you estimate your basal metabolic rate – the number of calories per day your body burns and the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight. Reference ...
To find your TDEE, the best approach is to multiply your resting energy expenditure (or basal metabolic rate) by an activity factor, as found in theTDEE calculator. This will give an estimate of the number of calories you burn on any given day. ...
BMR Calculator Select metric / imperial: EUUS Your gender: manwoman Your height: inin centimeters (cm). Your weight: inin kilograms (kg). Your age: in years. Example “35”. Select activity level: Select and calculateNo exercise, base BMRLittle to no exerciseLight exercise; 1-3 days per...
TDEE Calculator calculates your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) based on your activity level as well as Basal Metabolic Rate BMR and Body Mass Index BMI
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator Biological Sex:femalemale BMR Equation:Mifflin - St Jeor (default)Harris-Benedict (1919)Harris-Benedict (Revised) Age: Height:feetcminches Weight:poundskgstone Select your activity level (1-5) Sedentary (little or no exercise)...
TDEE Calculator calculates your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) based on your activity level as well as Basal Metabolic Rate BMR and Body Mass Index BMI